
This is the zodiac sign most likely to believe in ghosts

It’s All Hallow’s Eve when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead gets thin, the costumes go on and the ghosts come through.

From the pagan tradition of Samhain to Dios De Los Muertos celebrations, ’tis the time of the year when the days darken and death takes precedence.

The notion of ghosts relates to the ancient and enduring belief that a person’s essential spirit/soul is an entity separate from the body and as such can live on and haunt on after shrugging off the mortal coil.

Interestingly, funeral rites began as a kind of ritualistic insurance policy. A little pageantry to guarantee the spirits of the dead would move on without fanfare or scare tactics.

In honor of Halloween and our time-honored traditions of veneration and avoidance, the fine folks at Moon Bingo have conducted a survey to learn more about how the zodiac signs relate to the supernatural and specifically the belief in ghosts.

Read on and Happy Halloween!

What sign is most likely to believe in ghosts?

Leos are the sign most likely to believe in spirits. Shutterstock

Over half of all Leos surveyed (51%) believe in the existence of ghosts with a quarter of the lion pride claiming to have lived in a haunted house. Celebrity psychic and professional astrologer Inbaal Honigman explains, “Leos are the ultimate ‘main character syndrome’ sign, so if any house would be haunted, it would be theirs. Leos believe that if ghosts were floating around, they’d come and visit, because Leo is the hostess with the mostest.”

I would also argue that Leo, as a sign ruled by the sun and oxygenated by attention, is soothed by the idea that death does not equate to a final curtain. Lions love the idea of their house being haunted as it indicates what they need to be true and fear might be false; they are very, very, special.

Mercury and Neptune, hearing spirits and seeing ghosts

Mutable earth sign Virgo and mutable muddy water Pisces also heartily support the supernatural with half of all respondents admitting they believe in ghosts. This comes as no surprise as Virgo is ruled by Mercury planet of the mind and the mouth and natives are keenly aware of details and demons, making them highly susceptible to supernatural chatter.

For their part, Pisces ranks as the most psychic of all zodiac signs. Ruled by Neptune, planet of vibes, visions, delusions, illusions and our connection to the mystic, fish folk are straight-up phantom bait.

Water signs are more likely to believe, air signs to doubt

Pictured here is Hecate, triple goddess of the lower world, magic, ghosts and witchcraft. Getty Images

Fittingly, the additional water signs; Cancer and Scorpio make up the top half of believers. This speaks to the intuitive, receptive, emotionally driven and divinely feminine qualities of water. Cancer rules the fourth house of roots and ancestry, giving them closer communion with their ancestral dead while Scorpio rules the eighth house of sex, death and regeneration, a veritable social hall for spirits.

In a surprise to absolutely no one, Capricorn is ranked as the sign least likely to believe in ghosts.

Comparatively, the holy trinity of air signs; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, rank in the bottom half for supernatural believers. This notion tracks as air signs have a tendency to intellectualize the unexplainable. Cerebral, they relate more to reason than suspicion, and while water signs respond to what can be felt, air signs to what can be theorized.

In a surprise to absolutely no one, Capricorn ranks as the sign least likely to believe in ghosts. Naysayers and skeptics bound to the tangible, the practical, the buildable and the bankable, sea goats have minimal time for spirits.

How do the signs react to hauntings?

Reach out and touch fear! Shutterstock

Scorpios reported a high rate of haunting with 21% of respondents claiming to have experienced supernatural activity in the home. Interestingly, scorpions are also the most unreceptive to haunted activity with almost half (49%) saying they wouldn’t do anything at all about a house ghost.  

Inbaal explains, “Scorpio is a sign very aligned with mysticism and the supernatural. In the Tarot, the card for Scorpio is Death. Scorpio is very at ease with the afterlife, and so they wouldn’t do anything if they thought their house was haunted — they’re perfectly happy to keep it that way.” 

Ruled by Pluto, planet of death and regeneration, Scorpio is the most powerful sign in the zodiac. Filled with brooding intensity they are more likely to scare a ghost than be scared by one.

Getting rid of ghosts

What to do when the dead won’t quit? Shutterstock

In terms of the other signs, 15% of optimistic, high-minded, ever-seeking Sagittarius respondents said they would leave poltergeists to the professionals and hire an expert/medium to investigate. One-on-one communication is the name of the game for Cancer (10%) and Aquarius (10%) who said they would intervene and ask the ghost/spirit to vacate the premises.

Tending towards the extreme, Taurus (10%), Virgos (10%) and Sagittarius (10%) were most likely to move out of a haunted house while 6% of Leos and Capricorns would try and clear the air, flush out the fright with a smoke cleansing.

Matt Barlow a paranormal investigator explains, “The varying reactions to potential hauntings in the home reflect the complex relationship individuals have with the supernatural. While a significant portion would prefer inaction or denial, there’s an open-minded minority open to various engagement methods, including hiring experts and spiritual cleansing.”

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.