Adam Brodsky

Adam Brodsky

The Archive

Much of New York's vast corruption is actually legal

Shelly Silver and Dean Skelos broke the law, but when it comes to politicians, New York’s got a far bigger problem: corruption that’s perfectly legal. “I seen my opportunities, and...

Say what you want, but cops are still fighting terror

“Nobody looks at you like a hero,” the Black Lives Matter protester told the cop. “Just a racist.” The man was part of an anti-police rally in front of Gracie...

New space race is happening on our college campuses

It’s the 21st century space race — but this time, the competitors are American colleges. Students are trying to cross the Karman Line, Earth’s generally accepted border with outer space,...

New York's grade-fixing scandal was entirely predictable — and predicted

New York City’s “worthless diploma” scandal was predictable. So predictable, in fact, that a column I wrote four years ago — to the day — sounded the alarm. “Charges of...

The lost year: New York City since Eric Garner's death

Eric Garner, Mayor Bill de Blasio insists, “did not die in vain.” As the city marks the first anniversary of Garner's fatal confrontation with cops on Friday, the mayor’s words sound...

Protesting protests

Even Alec Baldwin gets it right sometimes. The anger-prone actor got delayed last Wednesday by street-clogging protesters demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage and immediately took to Twitter. “Life in NY...

No deal with Iran is a 'good' deal

John Kerry is said to be nearing a deal with Iran on its nuclear program, but he says its leaders still have to make “some very tough and necessary choices.”...

Cuomo's last hope: For a legacy, fix New York's schools

Andrew Cuomo is at a crossroads. He’s 57. He just started his second term as governor. And he hopes one day to do what his dad never did: become president....

What the New Year won’t bring

It’s New Year’s Day — time again to gaze into the old crystal ball. Herewith, some predictions you can be sure won’t come true in 2015:  A woman will step...

There was an indictment in Ferguson

The grand jury in Ferguson issued a searing indictment last night. No, not against Police Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of an unarmed African-American teen, Michael Brown. In...

Empty promises: Time and again, Andrew Cuomo fails to deliver

Just days before next week’s election, Gov. Cuomo is now vowing to “break up” the public-school “monopoly” and, once and for all, introduce “real performance measures” for New York schools...

A cop's dilemma: Garner's death not the only tragedy

It’s easy to think of reasons not to be a cop, starting with: You can get killed. When you’re a police officer, you walk around with a target on your...

The Sterling torture — round-the-clock condemnation

Shock. Alarm. Outrage. The sentiments flew across the airwaves this week at the news of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s ugly racial remarks in a private conversation. But, in an...

New York City continues chasing affordable housing

If your rent is too damn high, blame city government for trying to be Matthew McConaughey. Accepting his Oscar for Best Actor this month, McConaughey said one of the things...

What won't be happening in 2014

With the New Year upon us, predictions of what will happen in 2014 are coming in strong. Here’s my annual list of things you can be sure you won’t see...

How Bloomberg can save NYC now

Everyone’s got a suggestion for Michael Bloomberg’s future, now that he’s stepping down. Well, here’s one he’s not likely to consider — but should: create a genuine two-party system in...

Grave injustice for NY ship hero

New York’s nooks and crannies teem with nuggets from its glorious past — some recognized, some not. Melbourne Smith and Matt Carmel think they just found one of the latter....

Bill de Blasio’s war on minorities

Bill de Blasio wants to be seen as a champion for blacks and other minorities. So why is he planning to wage war on them? De Blasio clinched the Democratic...

Hot enough for you yet?

This week’s heat wave drives home a critical point: New Yorkers need air conditioning. Which is why it’s so disheartening that one of the climate-change crowd’s chief remedies for rising...

The news you won’t see in 2013

Never mind what will happen in 2013. Here’s what surelywon’t: * In preparation for 2016, Mitt Romney will tour the nation, slamming the 47 percent of Americans who are moochers...