Andrew Court

Andrew Court

About the Author

Andrew Court is a features editor-writer at The Post where he covers entertainment and lifestyle. He previously worked as a high school English teacher before he began his journalism career. Andrew holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and a master’s degree in education, both from The University of Sydney. A native of Australia, he moved to New York City in 2019 and now resides in Brooklyn.

The Archive

A shocking number of people orgasm from just tickling, study finds

The surprising study results were obtained by researchers examining the different ways in which people experience erotic pleasure.

US screens record-setting air passengers in one day — here's what to expect 4th of July week

The TSA says seven of the top 10 busiest travel days ever have occurred in the past month.

Meghan Markle's megabucks: First product from Duchess's new brand won't be jam or dog biscuits — but it will likely make her millions

Fans of Markle are eagerly awaiting the launch of her lifestyle line, American Riviera Orchard.

Women who fancy tall men are more likely to rate themselves as attractive: study

It's the height of self-confidence.

Suri Cruise's dashing NYC prom date revealed as budding musician

Cruise and Cohen appeared extremely close at the event, held in Manhattan on Tuesday.

I eat raw bull testicles every day to boost my testosterone — haters say I'm insane

It takes guts to do this extreme eating experiment.

I'm sleeping with 600 people this year — here's what my mom said when she found out

Annie Knight's mom, Karyn, had a surprise reaction to her daughter's shocking sex announcement.

Bikini-clad barista smashes angry customer's windshield with a hammer after he threw $22 coffee in her face

One detractor described the hammer-holding barista as a "felon," but another declared her "a national treasure."

Revealed: What Prince Louis whispered to mom Kate Middleton at Trooping the Colour

It was a mother-son moment caught on camera for the world to see.

Cheeky Prince Louis pulls faces, shows off his dance moves as he joins Prince George and Princess Charlotte on balcony

George, Charlotte and Louis were out in public for the first time since last Christmas.

I'm a hot virgin at 33 — I have 12 rules for a guy before I'll have sex with him

“I’m very picky. I know what I want," Danyelle Noble declared."I have high standards and I’m not messing around — I’m not here to date and just sleep with guys."

Your iPhone can bust you as a cheater — here are 7 sneaky ways

Heads-up if you iPhilander.

Denmark mocked for recalling ramen noodles for being too spicy: 'That's dumb'

Online pundits poked fun at Denmark as a whole, saying the recall was proof the country's residents only liked bland foods.

After mocking millennials, Gen Z are now coming for Gen Alpha: 'They're just not all there'

Gen Z content creators claim Gen Alpha suffer from "blue light stare" and don't know how to socialize because they've spent their entire childhoods glued to screens.