Bethany Mandel

About the Author

Bethany Mandel is the co-author of "Stolen Youth" and a homeschooling mother of six based in greater Washington, DC.

The Archive

Wikipedia's lefty slant measured in new study — but I've felt its bias firsthand

Being a conservative with a Wikipedia entry means that everyone who meets you has already read a hit piece about you, crowdsourced by potentially hundreds of people determined to promote...

Say their names: With Biden mum on Hamas' US hostages, Trump can champion their cause

Hersh. Keith. Sagui. Edan. Omer. Theirs should be household names across the United States. But they’re not, and the fault lies with President Biden.

Stop erasing women from midwifery

Owing to pressure from "woke" groups, many midwife companies and associations are using gender-neutral language to describe their female clients.

The great unknown-unknowns of sharing our kids on social media

In the age of AI, it has never been more important to keep kids off of social media accounts.

Dems are showing their misogyny by calling concerned moms like Casey DeSantis 'Karens'

If Casey DeSantis is a Karen, she’s our Karen. And she’s our role model for Karen-ing. 

Leftist bullies' hate-filled siege of our Moms for Liberty summit

But the "joyful warriors" in attendance did not let that stop them.

New study on 'rise' in transgenderism shows it's a fad, especially among young girls

According to a new study, there are more teens than ever claiming that their biological sex does not meet their “gender identity” and that they are coming to this conclusion...

Why the #DiedSuddenly movement must die

When seemingly healthy people die for no apparent reason, skepticism is bound to run rampant. Now such incidents have been given their own hashtag, #DiedSuddenly.

Democrats believe parents don't have the right to raise their own kids

The US House of Representatives just passed a Parents Bill of Rights which would require public schools to disclose all curricula, reading lists, library books and budget costs.

How 'woke' ideologies are upending American childhood 

A new book details how efforts like mask mandates and drag queen story-hours are an attempt to shift control of kids' lives from parents to far-left activists.

Disney's reparations cartoon shows exactly why Ron DeSantis fights

The woke war against our kids is unrelenting and takes no prisoners. Conservatives can only win the fight by making its proponents go on defense.

Facebook shut down our hopes for an anti-woke book world for children

Facebook disabled a publisher dedicated to giving parents an anti-woke alternative's account because its advertisements contained "disruptive content."

Public health officials are dangerously close to destroying their credibility

Public health officials and the media have used an interesting strategy for the almost two years of the pandemic: lie to and manipulate the public.

The experts who approved the vax for kids were against mandating it

The FDA advisory panel that met in October to decide whether to recommend the COVID vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 anticipated the mistake NYC is on the verge...

Kids growing up in the COVID-19 era are damaged

"Kids are resilient.” That’s what we keep being told. That’s what adults tell themselves — and us — so that they can sleep at night.

Government increasingly tells private business what it can and can't do — gender-neutral toys are just the start

‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Ronald Reagan called them the nine most terrifying words in the English language.

Wi Spa indecency case exposes the anti-woman thrust of trans ideology

Just a few years ago, the situation would have been unimaginable: A group of women, including a minor girl, were undressed in what they thought was the safety of a...

Young kids are at low COVID risk in schools, but masking them could do long-term damage

The CDC has made some ridiculous recommendations, and if your kids are in class and masked for yet another year, you’ll have these feckless and unelected federal bureaucrats to thank.

Furor over trans in LA spa proves progressives aren't really feminists after all

The pack has turned against the women of LA's Wi Spa, those who just want to be safe and comfortable in a women’s-only space. Never again should progressives be confused...

Olympics' first trans athlete defies science and fairness in quest for gold

It’s official: For the first time ever, a transgender athlete has qualified for an Olympic team. New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard was selected for the national team on Monday and...