Daniel McCarthy

About the Author

Daniel McCarthy is the editor of Modern Age: A Conservative Review and editor-at-large of The American Conservative.

The Archive

Biden's debate debacle revealed opposing visions for America

Everyone paid attention to how bad Biden looked and sounded — not what he was saying — but the debate showed voters two starkly different policy paths for the nation.

Pride flag 'desecration'? Time to separate sex and state

As cities repaint crosswalks with the colors, stripes and chevrons of the LGBTQ flag, we have, in effect, a new kind of blasphemy law prohibiting insults against gay symbols instead...

The GOP should glimpse its future in the UK's populist tilt

Nigel Farage aims to replace the UK's Conservative party with a new populist force of his own creation — just as Donald Trump is remaking the GOP.

Orwell's '1984' shows us how to fight today's totalitarians

Americans still read George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” 75 years after it was first published on June 8, 1949.

Virginia a new battleground as Trump surges and Biden flails

Trump is in a position to win “NeverTrump Republicans” — or NearlyNeverTrumpers — for the first time, while Biden is losing ground with the rural and working-class whites Democrats still...

Trump's Sun Belt surge contains a Rust Belt danger

Donald Trump’s first election redrew the map of American politics — suddenly Pennsylvania and Michigan were in the Republican column for the first time since the 1980s.

Bernie's right: Campus chaos really may doom Joe Biden in November

Bernie Sanders’ warning couldn’t be starker: “This may be Biden’s Vietnam.”

How the left's disdain for nationalism is fueling its hostility toward Israel

The historian John Lukacs used to say all the old “isms” of politics were defunct. They’ve become “wasms,” except one — nationalism.

The left's petty protests vs. the right's productive debates on foreign policy — including Ukraine

In 2024, foreign policy doesn’t pit Republicans against Democrats so much as it pits Republicans against Republicans and Democrats against Democrats.

Trump is right on abortion — pro-lifers should realize he's their lifeline

Donald Trump's position on abortion is the only politically sensible one in the fight for life. Pro-life advocates must realize that or face loss after loss after loss.

PBS misremembers William F. Buckley Jr. — the man who built a movement

“The Incomparable Mr. Buckley,” the latest installment in the “American Masters” series, has much to say about anti-Communism but never reckons with the murderous reality of Communism itself.

Forget Mike Johnson: Why would ANY Republican want to be House speaker?

The House GOP has become a dysfunctional nightmare that no sane person would WANT to lead.

Trump hunts for a VP close to home

The Donald is hosting the newest season of The Apprentice, and this time he's looking for his veep pick.

What the Princess Kate mystery teaches us about the UK and US democracies

Our citizens are only slightly less fascinated by the royal family than its subjects are.

Biden may be losing voters but he sure knows how to buy them back

President Biden’s weaknesses are obvious, but his $7.3 trillion budget proposal this week and State of the Union address Thursday are reminders of just how tough he can be.

Trump's running mate will make 2024 a different contest from 2020's Biden matchup

In recent decades, both parties have picked VPs to balance the inexperience of their presidential nominees.

Don't cheer the spate of media layoffs: Newspapers are essential to our republic

Fewer newspapers means more centralized power — and more conflict over it. Conservatives who don’t want that have reason to want newspapers to survive. And newspapers that want to survive...

It's Biden or Trump in November, but voters aren't buying what either party is selling

What it does it tell us that no other, younger leader in either party has been able to challenge President Biden or former President Donald Trump?

Putin's Tucker Carlson interview shows he can't win the Ukraine war — but will keep fighting it anyway

Vladimir Putin is fighting a war he can’t win against forces he doesn’t understand.

Taylor Swift & Trump is a political tale more tangled than anything anyone’s talking about

Will Taylor Swift end 2024 as triumphantly as she began it — by tipping the presidential election?