David Harsanyi

The Archive

Dems want a 'democracy' where the majority lords it over everyone else

CNN recruited "democracy" expert Anne Applebaum, who noted that, "America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy."

It's utterly cruel to America — and to Joe Biden — to let him run in this state

Every day, it seems, President Biden wanders off during a photo shoot or tries to shake hands with an imaginary person or garbles his way through another speech.

AG Merrick Garland deserves impeachment, not praise

Merrick Garland is no "by-the-book" attorney general.

Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

This week, former South Carolina governor and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley finally endorsed Donald Trump.

Supreme Court Justice Alito is the left's new smear target

The new round of attacks kicked off last week with a New York Times hit piece headlined “At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display.”

Biden's tariffs will make us pay more for cars we don't want — but are forced to buy

Not long ago, President Biden promised to transform the American auto industry -- “first with carrots, now with sticks” is the analogy The Washington Post used.

US taxpayers shouldn't be subsidizing idiotic college extremism

The madness needs to stop: tax dollars for pro-Hamas insanity is pure evil.

Anti-Israel college students want to spew hate with 'amnesty'

Hundreds of pro-Hamas college demonstrators are about to learn a valuable life lesson: Sometimes there are consequences for your actions.

Blame Barack Obama for Iran's attacks on Israel and their bloody global price

Iran's recent attacks on Israel are the fruit of Barack Obama's disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East.

Joe Biden courts hate against America with his agenda on the Israel-Hamas war

To celebrate Al-Quds Day last Friday, protesters in Michigan chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

Why SCOTUS is the last properly functioning branch of government

In a 9-0 decision, the Supreme Court ruled states cannot use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to kick former President Donald Trump off state ballots.

The latest 'hit' on Justice Clarence Thomas doesn't even make sense

Most Clarence Thomas hit pieces can’t stand up to perfunctory scrutiny.

No, rewarding Islamists with a Palestinian state isn't the only option for Israel

Sen. Chris Murphy says the next Israeli government “is going to have to put us back on a path to have a Palestinian state," contending that it "is the only...

The left disgustingly dances on Kissinger's grave because it hates America

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, 100, died on Wednesday.

Poll shows alarming support for Hamas but reality could be worse

A new Harvard/Harris poll reveals that the number of Americans who support Hamas and the Palestinian Authority may be vastly undercounted.

The 'no evidence' claim about Biden corruption is looking increasingly ridiculous

James Comer released financial records of Hunter Biden receiving two wire transfers totaling $260,000 in 2019 from Beijing with President Biden's Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address.

Biden DOJ targeting of Elon Musk is intimidation, pure and simple

The US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York is reportedly pursuing criminal charges against Elon Musk as to whether he failed to disclose personal benefits he received...

The Anti-Defamation League no longer speaks for Jews, but for the woke

Elon Musk has threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League for some $22 billion over its slandering of him as an antisemite, which he alleges has tanked X's advertising revenue.

Washington IS a gerontocracy — and it's OUR fault

The reality is that when it matters, voters across the country love the old-timers. If they didn't, none of them would be in Washington.

Hunter's plea deal was meant to protect one person: Joe Biden

It is increasingly evident the extraordinary plea agreement that fell apart was set in place to ensure the president’s name wouldn’t be dragged into any investigation.