David Harsanyi

The Archive

Hunter's plea deal was meant to protect one person: Joe Biden

It is increasingly evident the extraordinary plea agreement that fell apart was set in place to ensure the president’s name wouldn’t be dragged into any investigation.

Democrats' desperate 'Django' smear of Clarence Thomas

The efforts to smear Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with a barrage of bogus ethics complaints hasn’t really worked out for Democrats. So Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has gotten...

Don't buy the hype that hot weather is a mass killer

All extreme weather accounts for only about 0.1 death for every 100,000 people in the United States each year.

From affirmative action to LBGTQ rights, it's been a bad week for SCOTUS Dems

The web designer case of 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis shows how insane the 'illiberal' left wing of the Supreme Court is.

Hunter skates thanks to corruption, then hobnobs in a tux at White House

Less than a week after Hunter Biden was gifted a sweetheart deal by the Department of Justice, he was in a tuxedo mingling with DC elites at a White House...

Biden is not 'folksy' — he's old, out of it, and not OK

Joe Biden's many verbal and physical blunders contribute to a worrying pattern of old age.

GOP right to kick 9/11-downplaying Ilhan Omar off Foreign Affairs

Omar has the right to believe anything she likes. Her constituents have the right to keep sending her to Congress. And the House majority has the right to refuse her...

Probing Biden family corruption is GOP's duty to democracy

There's sufficient circumstantial evidence suggesting President Biden not only lied about knowing Hunter was favor-trading on the family name with corrupt autocracies but that he was a beneficiary of those...

Musk is right — divided government really is best

There are no saviors or miracles in democracy, only a grueling, soul-sucking, forever war of attrition.

NY Times' outrageous scaremongering about (fake) entitlement cuts (that we actually need)

How can the New York Times run a 1,500-word piece asserting that the GOP has been “talking” about cutting Social Security and Medicare without a single quote?

Democrats' high-spending 'Inflation Reduction Act' will do just the opposite

Pumping hundreds of billions into the economy will do nothing to alleviate inflation. The opposite.

Team Biden's plan to flag 'disinformation' is both laughable — and dangerous

The Biden administration's new Committee on Public Information will be led by Nina Jankowicz, "a disinformation fellow."

Biden must recuse from foreign-policy under Dems' Clarence Thomas standard

If we’re going to create transparently idiotic, partisan standards on the fly, they should be applied to everyone in government.

Ron DeSantis was entirely right to close the curtain on COVID theater

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was right to ditch the Democrats’ COVID theater of mask and vaccine mandates – just as the CDC lifted its so-called scientific guidelines.

After years of Biden's appeasement, it's no wonder Putin thinks now is the time to strike

The notion that President Joe Biden has shown firmness or deftness on foreign policy is at odds with not only recent events but also 50 years of his history. On...

It’s illiberal for liberals to accuse Biden critics of treason

It is deeply illiberal to accuse those who criticize the president of treason. It’s un-American. It is, in fact, the kind of rhetoric that exists in tyrannies.

With media targeting truckers' donors, say goodbye to anonymous free speech

In Canada, doxing has already begun. Tammy Giuliani, a small-business owner who employs 40 people, was forced to shut down her gelato shop because of threats made against her employees.

Biden's Afghan bugout keeps looking worse and worse

President Biden's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is appearing far worse than it was, as mounting evidence suggests commanders were ignored, David Harsanyi writes.

Democrats complaining about a 'war on democracy' are actually the ones waging it

The Democrats’ hypocrisy is on full display as they gobble more dark money than Republicans and gerrymander districts in their attempt to minimize midterm election losses, David Harsanyi writes.

Government has no business censoring in the name of rooting out misinformation

Asked about the COVID-19 misinformation, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy responded with a homily about how "we" must "root out" misleading speech.