Linda Chavez

Linda Chavez

The Archive

Asians are the main victim of elite-school affirmative action

Asian-Americans are among the most successful groups in the United States, but we often forget the discrimination they faced in getting where they are, as well as the challenges they...

Otto Warmbier's grim fate is routine in hellish North Korea

Otto Warmbier’s death is one of hundreds of thousands at the hands of the most brutal regime in the world, North Korea’s. The American student went to North Korea on...

How Hillary's sore-loserism helps Vladimir Putin

Hillary Clinton may be the most tone-deaf politician in modern history. Repeatedly over the course of a 41-year career as a political wife, candidate and appointee, she’s said and done...

The most worrisome effect of Russia's election meddling

President-elect Donald Trump conceded this week that he thinks Russia was responsible for hacking the e-mails of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, though he couldn’t help...

Will Trump's Cabinet picks be able to beat the bureaucracy?

President-elect Donald Trump is filling his Cabinet with lions of industry and finance, not surprising for a businessman, and the left has predictably focused on the various conflicts of interest...

Clinton Foundation scandals will haunt Hillary if she becomes prez

Hillary Clinton is leading in the polls, but the public still doesn’t entirely trust her. This week, those suspicions focused on the candidate’s relationship to the organization her husband founded,...

The 2016 election is fanning the flames of hate and mistrust

Identity politics have become an ingrained part of our culture — and one that threatens to tear us apart. We no longer embrace the "unum" in our national motto —...

Curt Schilling got fired for his common sense on bathrooms

ESPN decided to fire sports commentator and former Major League Baseball pitcher Curt Schilling for making allegedly ‘‘transphobic’‘ comments on Facebook. For the record, I believe an employer has the...

What Trump should know about facing down hecklers

Donald Trump has predicted there will be riots in the streets if he is not crowned victor at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer. Given his exhortations to...

How the GOP race changes after South Carolina

Saturday’s GOP primary in South Carolina will effectively end the quests of at least two candidates still in the contest for president, but it may also put the brakes on...

The Supreme Court's ticking time bomb for the GOP

The Supreme Court decided this week to take up the Obama administration’s unilateral executive actions on immigration, which will keep the issue on the front burner for the presidential election....

If we don't fight ISIS over there, we'll soon be fighting here

President Obama has a choice: He can either destroy the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq or see the Islamic State bring its war to America. It is only...

Washington's deadly betrayal of Iranian rebels

The deaths of Middle Eastern refugees are becoming so commonplace they rarely make it on to the front pages in the United States. However, the deaths of 23 refugees in...

It's the economy, stupid -- but Democrats really have nothing to say

Hillary Clinton supporters are beaming after her performance at the first Democratic debate this week, but I wouldn’t break out the Champagne glasses just yet. Clinton was in command of...

Trump's policies are a recipe for American economic decline

Donald Trump may have a reputation for making things bigger, but when it comes to his plans for the United States, he wants to shrink it. He says his tax...

The pope missed an opportunity to stand up for life

As a conservative, it is difficult not to be somewhat disappointed in Pope Francis’ speech to Congress this week. But as a Catholic, I want to embrace the pope’s pastoral...

Why America will lead the way in resettling the refugees

The refugee crisis facing Europe is the worst since the end of World War II, and it will not end anytime soon. Some 9 million Syrians have been displaced from...

What would Rev. King say about the on-air TV murders?

The murder of two journalists near Roanoke, Va., this week is another horrifying chapter in what is becoming a story of rekindled racial animus in this nation. That it took...

Trump is dead wrong about 'anchor babies'

After weeks of hurling nothing but insults at others while proclaiming he’s America’s savior, Donald Trump has finally issued his first policy paper: Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great...

The key to successful parenting

The cover of Harper’s Magazine’s August edition was intriguing: a lovely portrait of a mother and sleeping infant with the caption “How To Be a Parent.” I remain fascinated with...