Mark Everson

The Archive

Time dwindles before Friday's NHL red line

Nhl players are drawing another line in the sand to cross themselves. This time, it appears NHL commissioner Gary Bettman is double-daring them to take that fatal step they wouldn’t...

NHL, union still talking

The players may be angry again, but mood doesn’t matter anymore. They can’t — and because they care, they won’t — let commissioner Gary Bettman’s last-minute shenanigans become the hill...

Vanderbeek to remain Devils owner with refinancing deal

The Devils Thursday finally announced the refinancing deal that is expected to solve the financial difficulties that have dogged the team under owner Jeff Vanderbeek.No outside investor was announced, although...

NHL players vote to remove union from talks

Now the players have a big stick to wave at the NHL owners. In voting that ended yesterday, sources say the Players Association rank-and-file voted overwhelming to authorize — without...

Union heading toward decertification

However it ends, today is a key date on the timeline of NHL Lockout III, with the next scrapping of games likely to scuttle the entire 2012-13 season. “I don’t...

NHL: Players' vote won't help end lockout

NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly yesterday dismissed the players’ current vote to authorize their union’s withdrawal from negotiations as a “card” to “play” in the talks. “I certainly don’t think...

NHL owners take it to court

The fourth month of NHL Owners’ Lockout III begins at midnight tonight with the league taking the increasingly bitter battle to the courts, launching another time-consuming gyration. The NHL reacted...

No face-to-face; no NHL progress

The closer they get, the harder each side claws for every little million in NHL Owners’ Lockout III. About all yesterday’s six-hour mediated session between the league and the Players...

All quiet on NHL labor front

The NHL today is expected to cacel games through Dec. 30, and it still hasn’t scheduled the next bargaining session with the Players Association to end Owners’ Lockout III, now...

Third NHL lockout shows flaws in system

It was 20 years ago we first proposed the creation of an NHL commissioner. But not like this. Exactly not like this. The, ahem, brainstorm came in the wake of...

NHL sides nix new proposals

Talking to midnight for the second straight evening, and beyond Wednesday night, the opposing sides in the NHL Lockout III traded proposals in a marathon effort to move the negotiations...

NHL lockout optimism overblown

The word that came out of today’s NHL Board of Governors meeting is that optimism is overblown for a quick end to Owners’ Lockout III.One of the hard-liners insisted there...

NHL may try new tack in talks

The NHL Players Association is expected to offer several conditions which would lead to brass-free direct talks between the league’s owners and players in a bid to break Lockout III.NHL...

Mediation fails in NHL labor fight

Though the chances were minute, federal non-binding arbitration had to be attempted. Now that it has been eliminated, the NHL and its Players Association can get back to mutual assured...

NHL franchise prices continue to rise

The Forbes estimates of NHL franchise values supports the game’s need for increased revenue sharing, a lynchpin of the Players’ Association’s vision for hockey’s future. But it also vividly demonstrates...

NHL rejects new giveback

Who says the NHL isn’t playing games? Nothing on ice — no, but plenty in the board room. Commissioner Gary Bettman is dealing up Gimme, Gimme, and the players are...

NHL rejects 'good as we can do' union proposal

Throwing cold water on short-lived hopes for an end to the lockout, the NHL has rejected Wednesday's union offer which Players Association head Don Fehr had said was "about the...

NHL talks hiatus may not last two weeks

NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly yesterday indicated the labor negotiations may not be taking a two-week vacation as commissioner Gary Bettman mentioned to the union last weekend. “It wasn’t really...

Rangers reach out to Sandy victims

The out-of-work Rangers captain looked over the beaming faces of the out-of-luck Hurricane Sandy victims of Staten Island, and pronounced his judgement. “This is what New York is all about,”...

NHL deputy commish says talks might not take break

NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly today indicated the CBA negotiations may not be taking a two-week vacation as commissioner Gary Bettman mentioned to the union last weekend.“It wasn’t really a...