Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin

The Archive

Biden is risking it all, including his nomination, just to debate Trump

The media are boosting their candidate because they hate Trump as much as Biden does.

Joe Biden is a one-trick-pony with a single act: Blame Donald Trump

Signs indicate the president is giving up on selling his White House term as a success and betting his re-election campaign on a single message: Donald Trump is bad for...

City Council speaker's possible mayoral bid would be a disaster – look no further than her take on NYC’s rental crisis

Mayor Eric Adams and Council Speaker Adrienne Adams are not related, and sometimes are so fundamentally at odds it’s hard to believe they are even members of the same Democratic...

Joe Biden's rough stretch continues as his debate with Donald Trump is on the horizon

A common refrain in politics is that two weeks is a lifetime, meaning big changes can happen quickly.

Joe Biden and the left must know better than to deal with the devil known as Hamas

Yahya Sinwar says the deaths of tens of thousands of his fellow Palestinians are “necessary sacrifices.”

Joe Biden's D-Day speech was a bitter mockery of Ronald Reagan

Joe Biden’s trip to France proved two big things: He’s no Ronald Reagan, and he forgot to pack his patriotism.

Kathy Hochul got it half right with her late awakening to slam the brakes on NYC congestion pricing

Reports say the tax was so unpopular that fellow Democrats feared it would cost them House seats in the November election, so they asked Hochul for a reprieve.

Biden making a cynical power play aimed at keeping son Hunter out of prison, him in the White House

None of his maneuvers, including the pretend border crackdown, will make America safer or better or more united, but those are not Biden’s goals.

Trump remains resolute as ever -- he tells The Post a guilty verdict won't impact his sleep or campaign: 'Some people say I'm a warrior'

Although he wasn’t quite as relaxed Friday morning, his tone and composure again struck me as remarkable, given that the verdict had come less than 24 hours earlier. Indeed he...

Biden has spent his presidency painting Trump as abnormal – but his recent antics prove it’s the other way around

Ever since Donald Trump launched his 2016 campaign, Democrats have argued that he is too weird in too many ways to be president.

Trump’s sham ‘hush money’ case is a trial that has exposed New York's corrupt justice system

Trump’s support has never depended on his adherence to conventional conduct. And with polls showing that a big majority of voters see Biden as a failing president, a Trump conviction...

Adams, Hochul remain silent on NYC congestion pricing, pretend they're just bystanders to legal graft

The $15 daily fee for cars and up to $36 for trucks and buses is the latest version of what the crooks from Tammany Hall called legal graft.

Joe Biden faces potentially nightmarish June swoon with his re-election hopes fading

The month of June is shaping up to be a potential nightmare for President Biden with his re-election, his legacy and Hunter Biden’s freedom all on the line over the...

The 2024 race to the White House is now Donald Trump's to lose

When RealClear allocates the toss-up states to one candidate or the other, it finds that Donald Trump is on a path to win 312 electoral votes to Joe Biden’s 226.

Biden's Jekyll-and-Hyde approach to Israel is a disaster in the making

The remark, made as Biden closed in on the Democrats’ 2020 nomination, has served as a handy explanation for his otherwise inexplicable habit of seizing defeat from the jaws of...

Joe Biden must now back up his sweeping promises and destroy Hamas

In one of the most important speeches of his presidency, Joe Biden hit a home run.

The anti-Israel agitators were actually outsiders – and the schools could not have handled it worse

For many Americans, the words “outside agitators” evoke memories of southern segregationists complaining about northern civil rights workers organizing black Americans.

NYPD's bust up at Columbia doesn't mean this disgraceful antisemitic episode is over

The fact that Columbia’s leaders have dithered and allowed themselves to become entangled in endless negotiations with the rabble shows how weak the central administration is.

The media is propagating evil lies about the situation in the Mideast

We now have clear proof of the adage that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can put its boots on.

This is no 1960s love-in during anti-Israel rallies at elite universities

Amid the disruptions at elite universities across the nation, it is tempting to compare the student protests over Gaza to uprisings during the Vietnam War.