Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin

The Archive

The media is propagating evil lies about the situation in the Mideast

We now have clear proof of the adage that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can put its boots on.

This is no 1960s love-in during anti-Israel rallies at elite universities

Amid the disruptions at elite universities across the nation, it is tempting to compare the student protests over Gaza to uprisings during the Vietnam War.

Joe Biden is running a presidential sham-paign while Donald Trump is on trial

The New York Times headline hinted at the injustice of Donald Trump by declaring: “Trump on Trial vs. Biden on the Trail: An Unusual 2024 Stretch Begins.”

Hit the mullahs and hit 'em hard, Israel -- and 5 key takeaways from Iran's failed attack

Joe Biden’s timid advice for restraint notwithstanding, there’s zero doubt that Israel will retaliate against Iran.

NPR, New York Times are in immense turmoil with the world on the verge of global conflict

Just 32% of Americans say they trust the media “a great deal” or “a fair amount,” according to Gallup, which says the number matches a historic low.

Joe Biden's insane asylum policy makes life easier for criminals moment they illegally enter US

A Sunday Post report told the harrowing story of eight migrants, at least one of them an armed Venezuelan, who were squatting in a Bronx house.

Joe Biden keeps on delivering a dangerous two-faced approach with Israel

During most of the six months of Israel’s war with Hamas, President Biden has given support to our ally with one hand and undercut it with the other.

Carl Heastie removed any doubt he’s a political imbecile – and a driving force for all of NYC’s plight

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie declared that “I just don’t believe raising penalties is ever a deterrent on crime.”

Hochul’s timid approach is futile as she faces her toughest test following NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller’s murder

Gov. Hochul was accused by one of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller's angry family members of having “blood on your hands” because of lenient state policies on crime.

Twin horrors are another deadly blow to NYC -- a city that already didn't feel safe to anyone

From time to time in modern New York, shockingly violent days have revealed how decline and dysfunction are reaching critical stages.

The media mob's free pass for the Bidens at any sign of scrutiny is no accident – they're all in on it

Probers found more than $20 million went to the family when Joe was vice president, to which the media handmaidens yawned.

Mayor Adams' New York is a blunderful life – and it's only getting worse

To judge from the happy talk coming from City Hall and Albany, these are Gotham’s golden days.

Donald Trump vows to 'save America' this November from 'Biden disasters' in sit-down interview with The Post

It was the day after he made history by securing the Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the third straight time, but Donald Trump was not in a celebratory mood.

The probes of Donald Trump and Joe Biden show the emboldened bias among the left

Donald Trump faces a 40-count federal indictment, while Joe Biden is off scot-free despite the findings that revealed he improperly kept and used such documents for 40 years.

Joe Biden only cares about his re-election chances, not helping Gaza

With so much shouting and partisan rancor during Joe Biden’s State of the Union rant, it was easy to miss the most important news.

The left serves as apologists for Hamas rapists' heinous crimes on Oct. 7

Antisemitism takes many forms, and we must add to the list the refusal to accept as fact the horrific scope of rape and sexual mutilation carried out by Muslim terrorists...

Nikki Haley's complete ignorance of her own party is why Trump is the last candidate standing

As the window closes on her presidential campaign, Nikki Haley is changing her tune.

The obvious reason behind Trump's undying political strength is somehow still dumbfounding ignorant Big Media elites

Paul Krugman’s latest piece commands attention because of what he inadvertently reveals about elite ignorance.

Biden keeps on teaching the same exact master class on how to epically fail as president

President Biden continued his wobbly ways by mucking up the two-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine.

Biden’s betrayal at the forefront as he demands ceasefire in Gaza to stoke his re-election campaign

President Biden’s latest plan is to now have the UN Security Council support his demand for a cease-fire in Gaza.