Mike Gonzalez

The Archive

Columbia riot reveals links between pro-Hamas groups and BLM

A new report finds the anti-Israel protesters at Columbia are linked to a vast global web that supports the pro-Hamas movement — the same network that has sustained Black Lives...

Argentina's 'Milei Miracle' proves the failure of socialism

Argentina’s new free-market President Javier Milei is lapping Colombia’s Gustavo Petro and Brazil’s Inacio Lula da Silva in terms of economic achievement and the ability of people to live in...

Why Biden's support among Hispanics is tanking — here's a hint: the border crisis

“Crime Keeps On Falling, but Prisons Keep On Filling” has made people laugh since the infamous New York Times headline appeared in 1997.

Defund the Smithsonian's Latino Museum — a woke indoctrination factory

Funding for the Smithsonian’s Latino Museum is in limbo as both parties wrangle over budget spending — and there it should stay until Congress can repeal its enabling statute entirely.

Now's our chance to finally rein in America's race-gender hysteria

America today is the closest it’s been in a decade to recovering from its collective bout of racial and sexual hysteria.

Democrats are in denial about why they are losing Hispanic voters

There is something going on that's deeper and perhaps more durable than progressives want to admit.

Amazon's senseless bid to bury my exposé of Black Lives Matter

Even Big Tech helps to cover up the truth. I know this because Amazon obstructed for a week my effort to shine a spotlight on BLM.

Nikole Hannah-Jones is as wrong about Cuba as she is about American history

BLM is hardly alone in its rosy-eyed view of Castro’s Cuba. Nikole Hannah-Jones, the founder of the “1619 Project,” is also enthralled by what she believes to be the equalizing...

The woke takeover of the US military endangers us all

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired this month as commander of a US Space Force unit. His “offense”? Speaking the truth about critical race theory’s rapid inroads among America’s armed forces....

The agenda of Black Lives Matter is far different from the slogan

Many see the slogan Black Lives Matter as a plea to ­secure the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans, especially historically wronged African Americans....

In the coronavirus crisis, your identity should be 'neighbor'

As you hunker down to face the COVID-19 emergency, are you doing so as an American — or as a member of one of the demographic subgroups the hucksters of...

Carranza’s ideology insults the people he claims to help

The academic achievement gap in education in New York City has a face: the goateed visage of Chancellor Richard Carranza. He personifies the damage the ideological radicalization of education schools...

Wrong, Rep. Omar: Socialism, not America, caused Venezuela’s suffering

Rep. Ilhan Omar blames the US for Venezuela’s penury. Go figure. She of all people should know how Marxism can trash a country. Her birth country, Somalia, was run by...

Why the 'Trump' State Department still loves George Soros

The failure of the Trump administration thus far to staff up the executive branch is hurting the conservative policy agenda and thwarting the will of the voters. And six Republican...

Obama's 'legacy' drive lost Florida for Clinton

‘Pride goeth before destruction,” Proverbs 16:18 reminds us, and so it was in this election. The evidence is mounting that President Obama’s overzealous defense of his “opening Cuba” gambit cost...

Why Latino 'leaders' reject Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz’s official campaign isn’t even two weeks old, and already it’s done the nation a favor — by highlighting the duplicity of the “multicultural” left and what it is...

The big lie we tell 'English learners'

City Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña and Milady Baez, the chief for “English-language learners,” are looking to increase dual-language programs, in which students receive instruction in both English and a second...

Sotomayor's demeaning views on race

Tuesday’s Supreme Court ruling that Michigan voters had the right to ban racial preferences in university admissions didn’t sit well with the court’s self-described “Wise Latina,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Her...