Rebeccah Heinrichs

The Archive

How House Republicans can hold Biden accountable for his foreign-policy blunders

On Sunday, Speaker Mike Johnson told Fox News that he’ll call a vote in the House on an improved National Defense Supplemental that supplies crucial aid to Ukraine, Israel and...

It's not just a Ukraine-aid bill, it's a national-security bill — and Republicans should pass it

A national-security supplemental cleared a key hurdle Sunday in the Senate, meaning it could pass this week despite some GOP opposition — though it’ll have an even tougher time in the...

Biden's disastrous approach to foreign policy culminated in the Jordan attack that killed US soldiers

President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, wrote in the pages of Foreign Affairs in October 2023: The Middle East “is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”

Biden must give Ukraine what it needs to win — and literally make Russia pay

Support for Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression remain high, but confidence in President Joe Biden is low, and his leadership of the international effort has been lacking.

Biden promised a US-China thaw but Beijing is only turning up the heat

This is surely not what Biden meant by a “thaw.”

A TikTok ban doesn't limit speech —it frees it from China's poison

Libertarian Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is derailing a bipartisan effort to ban TikTok.

Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska brought the human side of the war to US

There will be no normal until Russia’s war ends. May Zelenska’s words not be in vain.

Biden needs to finally give Ukraine the ammo they've been begging for

The United States must lead an effort to immediately give President Volodymyr Zelensky everything he needs to strike a blow against Russian forces.

As Xi becomes the new Mao, America must wake up to Beijing's deadly ambitions

We surely have our own domestic challenges, but Chinese President Xi Jinping fully intends to exploit them. It’s imperative to understand his potent capabilities as he consolidates yet more power.

Missile defense — in New York

From forest fires to earthquakes, the West Coast can seem a particularly dangerous place to live. But when it comes to protection against the threat of long-range missiles, it’s much...