Richard Pollina

The Archive

Cop demoted for using city cameras to track wife he suspected of cheating with fellow officer

Eventually, the dubious cop fessed up to using department-owned cameras around the city to tail his wife.

Teen found covered in dried blood in wrecked truck is 'uncooperative' with cops as they probe bizarre mystery

“There is a large amount of blood along the driver’s side A-frame, as well as the outside of the bed.”

Drag race icon slams into concrete wall at 300 mph after car explodes in 'catastrophic' failure

Coverage of the race shows Force’s blue Chevrolet Camaro SS exploding after crossing the finish line of the quarter-mile drag strip.

Anti-Israel couple in Range Rover arrested at gunpoint with keffiyeh-clad toddler in backseat during LA protest

“There is no excuse for targeting a house of worship. Such antisemitic hatred has no place in California.”

Cops deliver groceries after busting DoorDash driver on his way to customer's house: 'Keep the citizen happy'

“They don’t expect the police to deliver groceries, but you know, I’ll do what I need to do to keep people happy.”

Uber driver beaten after passenger's armed dad, family catches him allegedly raping 'highly intoxicated' daughter

The suspected predator allegedly used the Uber app to make it look like he had dropped the victim off at her destination but took her to a secluded area where...

High school coach claims he was fired for pushing change on transgender athlete law: ‘I got wronged’

"He wants the best for the transgender female athletes and wants the best for the rest of the female athletes, and I don't think this had anything to do with...

Rachel Morin's family reveals touching way they celebrated murder arrest: 'This trail belongs to Rachel again'

“I felt like up to this point Victor had taken this trail from us, but now this trail belongs to Rachel again.”

Florida plastic surgeon suspected in wife's death refused to call 911 as she seized on his operating table: authorities

"Ben Brown took the mother from my grandchildren, my only daughter and our brightest star. Hillary gave the ultimate sacrifice so Ben Brown cannot hurt anyone else."

CNBC financial analyst-turned-fugitive arrested by FBI after 3 years on the run

McDonald had been a fugitive since November 2021 after he failed to appear before the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to testify regarding accusations of defrauding investors.

Surgeon general calls for tobacco-style warning on social media platforms

“Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group, as of...

Here are the top 5 states with the most expensive coffee prices in America: study

New Yorkers may be shocked to find that the Empire State doesn’t even come close to cracking the top 10 of the priciest places to snag a cup of joe.

Jerry Seinfeld has perfect comeback to anti-Israel heckler during live show: 'We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen'

“It’s the Jewish comedian, that’s who we have to get! They’re the ones doing everything.”

US hitwoman's mom begs her to surrender after botched contract killing as she brazenly keeps in touch with pals on Snapchat

The US hitwoman on the run after being exposed for a botched contract killing has reportedly been in contact with friends in her home state of Wisconsin, saying her life...

California bar manager dead after being punched by customer who was asked to leave: police

The manager, whose identity was not revealed, lost consciousness and was not breathing when police arrived on the scene.

NJ family nearly crushed when massive ice chunk seemingly falls from plane, tears through home

“Out of nowhere, you just hear a hollow sound coming down, and honestly, we didn’t think anything of it, and then you just hear a big DOOOOSH!”

Anti-aging guru claims his birthday comes every 19 months as he reveals bizarre $16 per day diet

“When you build software, you build version one, and it moves to version two and version three -- every version gets a little better because you remove the bad stuff and...

Megachurch pastor resigns after nearly 50 years over mysterious 'sin'

The former chaplain for both the Dallas Cowboys and the Mavericks stated he "committed no crime" but "did not use righteous judgment in my actions."

Teen stuck in Italy after falling off 60-foot cliff as family struggles to get him proper care, out of country

“Right now in Italy, they won’t let him move, they won’t let him sit up, they’re not letting him do anything. They won’t even give the kid a bedpan.”