Stephen Moore

About the Author

Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

The Archive

Biden's energy idiocy lost US $150B of oil and gas — bringing pain at the pump

The summer's heavy driving months are here, so President Biden is once again blaming high gas prices on anyone but himself.

Sorry, Team Biden: Lower capital-gains taxes aren't racist — higher ones are

As usual, Biden's got everything backwards on the economy. This time on capital gains taxes and racism.

Joe Biden's ex-chief of staff finally admits it: Inflation is clobbering us

Joe Biden's ex-chief of staff Ron Klain admitted that inflation has been killing them on MSNBC.

Data prove it: The Trump tax cuts soaked the rich

The latest IRS data on who bears the income-tax burden demonstrate yet again the benefits of lower tax rates over higher rates.

Growth doesn't cause inflation — but the Fed won't push to curb government spending that does

Repeat after me, class: Growth does not cause inflation. Write it on the blackboard 100 times.

President Biden just pledged to shut down 60% of America's electric power

The Biden administration's proposals aren’t likely to change the planet’s temperature by even one-tenth of a degree, but they might just destroy the 21st-century American industrial economy as we know...

Biden is boosting 'equality' in the US — by making everyone poorer

Joe Biden's policies are ruining the economic lives of people across America.

Biden and the autoworkers union: a roundabout of inflationary hypocrisy

Joe Biden claims to be on the side of the auto union workers on strike. But his policies have done huge damage to union workers across all industries.

In Biden's war on poverty, poverty — especially for kids — is winning

The president whose policy obsession from Day 1 has been not to grow the economy but to reduce income inequality has presided over a near-record surge in the percentage of...

Surging oil prices: Blame Biden's 'put America last' energy policies

Due to OPEC production cutbacks, global oil prices surged to $87 a barrel this week.

The left just can't get over its love of (harmful) lockdowns

The deadly strains of the virus have been gone for two years now and yet the recent outbreak of a mild flu-like variant is again stoking panic on the left...

Green activists have hurt the environment by letting Hawaii and California burn

What could have prevented the near-100 deaths, the loss of thousands of homes and the billions of dollars of property damage from the Maui wildfire was better planning for just...

Fastest-growing job market? Government -- and that's a disaster

When counting downward revisions in hiring from the previous two months, the net employment gain was a meager 99,000 in the June report.

60 years after George Wallace pushed segregation, Dems are blocking the schoolhouse doors

By opposing school choice, many Democrats, are violating the basic civil right of Americans of all races and incomes to choose a better education for their kids.

The left's climate-change indoctrination is scaring our kids to death — literally

We are raising a generation with millions of Greta Thunbergs.

Kevin McCarthy's debt-ceiling deal is a step in the right direction

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy outmaneuvered the White House and has negotiated a debt-ceiling deal that has valuable concessions that conservatives have demanded.

Hey, Wall Street: Stop putting politics over my retirement savings

A new Committee to Unleash Prosperity study “Putting Politics Over Pensions” finds that a majority of the largest firms are routinely violating that fiduciary duty and letting political biases interfere...

Investment taxed at 86% — Biden's tax plan would kill Wall Street

President Joe Biden has been touting his “Invest in America” theme across the country. 

School closures brought the worst self-inflicted COVID harm

Closures at the end of the 2019-20 school year alone will be associated with 13.8 million years of life lost, one study found.

When it comes to debt, Joe Biden is the Six Trillion Dollar Man

The latest CBO report shows clearly that to save our country, somebody has to stop Biden before he spends again.