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Dear Abby: My husband and I just bought our dream home, but I don't like him anymore

Dear Abby weighs in on a wife who is overly frustrated with her husband and a mother who is controlling her adult-daughter's life.

Is he a keeper? Put your love to the test Gen Z-style, with these trendy social media challenges

Can your relationship survive these trendy TikTok trials?

An unlikely website has become a top source of travel expertise — leaving influencers out in the cold

More and more travelers are avoiding the pros back home — instead taking their questions straight to the locals in their next destination.

Eight in ten Americans 'burnt out' with dating apps: new research

The survey of 1,000 Americans who have used a dating app at least once in the past year found that 78% of those polled feel fatigued with the dating app...

More Gen Zers are becoming NEETs — what does it mean and is it a bad thing?

It's a generation about nothing.

My future-sister-in-law wants me to give her my dead first husband's wedding rings — I'm stunned

After his death, the woman said she had their wedding rings melted down and made into a necklace and a set of earrings — she said she did not want...

Is this why people go bald? Your hair may be 'stressed,' new study finds

Could a cure for the bane of baldness be on the hairline horizon?

The Strawberry Moon is tonight: Here's how to watch it

Here is everything you need to know about the full Strawberry Moon on Friday, June 21. This is the first time in 40 years that the Strawberry Moon falls on...

Woman's toilet stall rule sparks online debate

Sometimes - usually when sitting on the toilet - people think of some of their best ideas. Like this one woman, who felt so strongly about public toilet etiquette, that she decided to...

Jessica Alba’s mindful tool kit — crystals, charms and motivational books

Jessica Alba recommends Movado watches, Dezi sunglasses, Dyson hair products and more

Dear Abby: My tenant isn't vaccinated for COVID, what do I do?

Dear Abby weighs in on a tenant who isn't vaccinated for COVID and a relationship that broke up do to financial woes.

'Simpsons' did it! Reel life three-eyed fish discovery echoes cartoon prediction from 1990

The animated sitcom has seen into the future — again.

Rosé season is here again — and most of you are serving it wrong

Over-refrigerating your wine? You need to chill with that.

This 100-year-old great-grandma was a top welder during WW2 — and now she keeps fit with a crazy workout

Michelle Cohen used to fuse steel gun mounts onto ships at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, now she pumps iron.

Gen Zers and millennials are 'quiet quitting' their friendships — here's why

Best friends — but not necessarily forever.