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Dems sue RFK Jr. over Nevada presidential bid — saying he’s not really ‘independent,’ wants to ‘play spoiler’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not a political independent under Nevada law and should be disqualified from Silver State ballots, two voters allege in a lawsuit filed in state court...

Trump 10 points up on Biden, new national poll shows 

The Rasmussen Reports survey, released Friday, found 46% of likely voters backing the  78-year-old presumptive Republican nominee for president and 36% supporting the 81-year-old incumbent in a five-way race. 

Pennsylvania House candidate opens ‘Battle Station’ in competitive district as GOP targets 3 million swing voters

With support from the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), Pennsylvania House candidate Ryan Mackenzie debuted his campaign’s “Battle Station” office on Thursday evening.

Jamaal Bowman’s Ed.D. dissertation contains 'multiple instances' of apparent plagiarism: report

Earlier this year, Bowman defended disgraced former Harvard University President Claudine Gay, who resigned in January amid a plagiarism scandal of her own.

Pentagon watchdog doesn’t know how much overseas gain-of-function research is done with US funds — despite $1.4B spent: report

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General released the inconclusive results Thursday of its congressionally mandated audit into funding that could have resulted in diseases becoming more virulent.

Dem Nevada AG vows ‘immediate’ appeal in first 2020 ‘false electors’ case dismissal

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford vowed to appeal a Friday ruling that tossed a criminal case against state Republicans accused of forging documents bearing the names of “invalid electors” after...

This is who will act as Trump in Biden's debate prep

President Biden's personal lawyer Bob Bauer is expected to stand in as former President Donald Trump during the Democrat's debate prep ahead of their first televised showdown next week.

How fear of 'escalation' has Biden admin handcuffing Ukraine against Russia

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan announced the Biden administration was relaxing its restrictions on Kyiv's use of weapons on Kremlin territory.

Teamsters boss accepts Trump’s invitation to speak at RNC in Milwaukee as Biden loses union support

Former President Donald Trump boasted Friday that Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien has accepted his invitation to speak at next month’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Chinese embassy threatened House lawmakers, urged them to ‘cancel’ Dalai Lama visit

The Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C., sent a threatening letter to US lawmakers who visited the Dalai Lama in Tibet this week, according to a copy of the missive.

Conservative border hawks slam Trump’s college green card vow for foreign students: 'Cockamamie'

"You graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country" Trump said on...

Dems are 'not enthusiastic' about Biden's re-election chances, and here's why, according to a strategist

The 81-year-old president's own vulnerabilities -- including his age -- are likely to blame for recent polling that shows Biden trailing his GOP rival, former President Donald Trump, or holding...

AOC stumps for ‘reproductive rights’ — and Biden-Harris — in Las Vegas stop

The progressive Democrat claimed she was a “Planned Parenthood baby” because her mother decided to keep her pregnancy after an ultrasound revealed the child she was carrying.

Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg endorses Biden, gives $20 million to re-election effort 

Biden, 81, awarded Bloomberg the Presidential Medal of Freedom last month during a White House ceremony. 

Trump rakes in $141M in May donations, well above Biden's haul of $85M

Former President Donald Trump’s massive May fundraising haul of $141 million has left Joe Biden in the dust, after the current commander-in-chief and the Democratic National Committee raised just $85...

Dem lawmaker holds back tears after GOP colleague argues forcing Asians, Latinos to pay for reparations in Calif. is ‘fundamentally unfair’

“It is fundamentally unfair to force these people to pay for this,” GOP Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez argued.

Republicans hail Michigan mail-in-ballot ruling as victory: 'Incompatible with the Constitution'

Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson was wrong to advise election officials to presume the validity of absentee-ballot signatures, a Michigan judge has ruled.

Steve Bannon’s bid to delay 4-month contempt prison sentence rejected by appeals court

A federal appeals court panel on Thursday rejected longtime Donald Trump ally Steve Bannon’s bid to stay out of prison.

Trump ‘floored’ Puerto Rico's former governor with talk of a nuclear first strike, book claims

"If nuclear war happens, we won’t be second in line pressing the button,” the former governor of Puerto Rico recalled Trump telling him.