ali khamenei

Iran's supreme leader praises US anti-Israel campus protesters after his brutal crackdown against regime demonstrators

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history,” the 85-year-old radical cleric posted on X. 

The Butcher of Tehran, Ebrahim Raisi, is dead: Good, but it won't change anything

The Butcher of Tehran, Ebrahim Raisi, is dead. Bur Iran is still winning regionally, thanks to Joe Biden's cowardice.

Biden gave Iran yet another win by pressing Israel to go easy on the terrorist state

With Israel facing overwhelming pressure from President Biden, its Friday retaliation against Iran was an exercise in minimalism.

Meta boots Iran despot Ali Khamenei from Facebook, Instagram after calls to 'wipe Israel off map'

Khamenei was booted from the popular social media platforms following his repeated calls to "wipe Israel off the map."

To hit Iran, let's back the democratic opposition — it worked in the Cold War

Though many in Washington were slow to recognize it, it’s now clear to all Iran has launched a war in the Middle East against the United States and our closest...

Israeli ambassador: At the United Nations, I wear the yellow star with pride

Israeli United Nations Ambassador Gilad Erdan speaks during a Security Council meeting on the Israel-Hamas war at U.N. headquarters on October 30, 2023, in New York City.

Joe Biden's words in Israel were sorely needed—but what's his Iran plan?

President Joe Biden deserves much praise for another excellent speech Wednesday, vowing in Tel Aviv to stand by Israel and deploring the “pure, unadulterated evil” of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack....

Iran is on edge of full rebellion — West must stop aiding the regime

On the anniversary of an uprising in Iran sparked by a brutal regime murder, it is essential the international community reflect on the far-reaching implications of this critical chapter in...

We must stand up to Iran's threats to free speech

Iran’s threats of a “decisive response” to a series of cartoons is a reminder that little has changed.

Women were main target of Iranian regime — now they’re leading revolution to bring it down

Brave Iranian women have openly and ferociously rejected the brutal religious dictatorship of Ali Khamenei and all his loyalists and apologists, in pursuit of justice and equal rights.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards head warns protesters: 'Today is the last day of the riots'

The commander of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards, Hossein Salami, warned protesters that Saturday would be their last day of taking to the streets.

How the US can roll back Iran — without going to war

One cannot know when that spark arrives in Iran — perhaps it has already — but now is the time to intensify pressure on the regime, roll back its footprint...

The week in whoppers: Cuomo's deadly leadership, Pelosi's partisan panel and more

The Post's editorial board tackles the latest in media and politics, including issues with Andrew Cuomo and the partisan lines drawn from the Jan. 6 probe led by House Speaker...

Iran admits who's in charge — and it's not the ones that talk to Team Biden

A leaked audiotape confirms to the world what Iran watchers have always known: Politicians, including its president, aren’t in charge of that country — the "supreme leader" and his Islamic...

Abandoning our Iran hostages and other commentary

Foreign desk: Abandoning Our Iran Hostages At National Review, Elliott Abrams worries that Team Biden “is planning to do exactly what the Obama administration did just over five years ago:...

FCC staffer slams Twitter for letting Ayatollah Khamenei tweet — but not The Post

A top Federal Communications Commission staffer blasted Twitter for freezing The Post’s account in the wake of its exposé on Hunter Biden's e-mails -- while Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali...

Netanyahu warns Iran leader for posting anti-Israel screed

Benjamin Netanyahu has issued a stern warning to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who accused Jerusalem on Twitter of “state terrorism.”

Top Iranian official tweets photo of flag after attack on air bases

A top Iranian official tweeted a photo of the country’s flag following Iran's attack on Iraqi air bases housing US troops. The post by Saeed Jalili, Iran's former nuclear negotiator,...

Iranian mullahs’ lock on power is now shakier than ever

A year ago, Iranians poured into their streets to denounce ­Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and call for an end to his brutal ­regime. Protests have continued ­unabated since, though these...

Iran's supreme leader to Trump: 'You cannot do a damn thing!'

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's supreme leader has challenged President Donald Trump over America pulling out of nuclear deal, saying: "You cannot do a damn thing!" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's comments came...