
The 'Anger Professor' reveals best ways to get your temper under control

Here's how to keep your cool when you'd rather blow your top.

Don't go ballistic — study reveals how anger can increase heart attack, stroke risk

For the sake of your blood vessels, don't B negative.

This simple trick could get rid of your anger: study

Don’t write this off as a useless hack.

Blowing off steam won't help you calm down — but this might

Venting or "blowing off steam" won't actually reduce anger. Instead, it could simply fuel more aggression, according to new research.

Anger management therapist allegedly kills Fla. man, stuffs body in car trunk

A Florida therapist who specializes in anger management has been charged with murder for allegedly shooting a man to death as part of an ongoing dispute and then stuffing his...

Dear Abby: My girlfriend's relationship with her ex has me reconsidering marrying her

Dear Abby weighs in on a granddaughter and grandmother who can't stop fighting and a woman who is still friendly with her ex-boyfriend.

Are you a natural leader? What clenching your fist says about you

Most people clench their fists to show anger or excitement, but the hand position can also reveal certain characteristics about yourself.

Biden's explosive anger: Letters to the Editor — July 14, 2023

Post readers share their thoughts on Biden's explosive anger.

Some terrified Biden aides so fearful of prez's wrath that they don't go to meetings alone: 'Don't f–king bulls–t me!'

President Biden has displayed a hair-trigger temper with aides behind closed doors and is known for cursing out White House staffers, according to a new report.

Dear Abby: I can't control my anger

Dear Abby advises a woman who has trouble managing her anger and a high schooler who needs dating advice.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend has serious anger issues

Dear Abby advises a woman dating a man with anger problems and a workplace professional dismayed by young people's reliance on their phones.

Vengeful woman demolishes car with a hammer and spray paint

This woman stole a page from Carrie Underwood's book and "took a Louisville slugger to both headlights." In this case, however, she took a hammer to the windows. Watch as...

How flying into an angry rage is a sign you could be seriously ill

Not all negative emotions are necessarily bad -- they can actually direct your behavior in useful ways. If you’re stuck in traffic and running late, anger might motivate you to...

'Axe rooms' are all the rage in Jordan

AMMAN - In an underground room in Amman, a small group of Jordanians swing giant hammers at an old television, computer and printer, wrecking the machines, and then hit a...

Chinese 'anger room' lets customers smash stuff with baseball bats

BEIJING — It took Smash customer Qiu Siyu just a few sharp blows with a baseball bat to wreck what looked like an old car radio, after which two friends...

Losing just two hours of sleep makes you angrier

Losing just two hours of sleep a night makes people angrier, research reveals. The study is among the first to prove a direct link with lack of shuteye, experts say....

Outrage in Vietnam over US teacher's offensive comments

HANOI, Vietnam — An American teacher in Vietnam is in trouble for making offensive comments about one of the country's most revered figures. Daniel Hauer, an English teacher in Hanoi,...

Giving in to your bad mood can be a good thing

If you've ever put on a brave face to get through a rough day until you can get home and drown in a bottle of wine, you'll know how draining...

Hothead commuter loses his battle with an MTA machine

A man was caught having trouble with a New York City bus ticket machine, which seemed to be eating his money without producing a ticket. While it's not uncommon for...

Americans are pissed off -- and that's a good thing

‘People are pissed,” reports Esquire after examining the results of its new survey, conducted along with NBC News. The study finds that roughly half of Americans are even angrier than...