
The GOP should glimpse its future in the UK's populist tilt

Nigel Farage aims to replace the UK's Conservative party with a new populist force of his own creation — just as Donald Trump is remaking the GOP.

Trump ally makes an about-face and says he will run in the UK election

LONDON — Pro-Brexit, anti-immigration campaigner Nigel Farage stepped back into front-line British politics on Monday, announcing he will take the helm of the right-wing party Reform U.K. and run for...

How the left's disdain for nationalism is fueling its hostility toward Israel

The historian John Lukacs used to say all the old “isms” of politics were defunct. They’ve become “wasms,” except one — nationalism.

Hugh Grant reveals ‘shocking’ career change he’s mulled over: It’s ‘threatening to one’s family’

"Whenever the subject comes up, [my mother-in-law] just says, 'Don't you have to water down everything? It's all horse-trading. And nowadays the incoming abuse is unthinkable.'" — Hugh Grant

Irish unity within 'touching distance' as Northern Ireland names nationalist party leader

The assembly returned to the parliament in Belfast where its top order of business was to name the Sinn Féin Irish nationalist party's Michelle O’Neill as first minister, marking a...

Town demolishes building bearing Banksy mural worth $1.2M

In the coastal English town of Dover, a landmark Brexit-related work by Banksy has been destroyed as a result of its building’s demolition.

Britain’s bad example for American conservatives

Republicans can only imagine what it would feel like to win four national elections in a row — wielding executive and legislative power for more than a dozen years.

Biden's visit to Ireland was a vacation — that harmed diplomatic relations

President Joe Biden's recent trip back “home” did not go as smoothly as he may have anticipated. During his visit to Ireland, particularly to the Irish towns of Dundalk and...

‘Downton Abbey’ castle can no longer host weddings due to Brexit

Even this beacon of aristocracy is not immune from the labor fallout caused by the United Kingdom’s break with the European Union, owners say. 

London is putting New York to shame as the city that dreams big

Gotham has lost its aspirational luster to London. The British capital has brought forth two new colossal achievements: a revamped Battersea Power Station and the Elizabeth Line, which cuts crosstown...

UK’s new PM Rishi Sunak must spur expansion, cut spending

Sunak is everything that Liz Truss isn’t: Financially savvy with the bearings to understand the economic folly of cutting taxes and allowing deficits to soar.

Arm the Ukrainians now and other commentary

Biden must end his cautious approach on the Ukraine war, an "internet-speed" recession, CUNY’s antisemitic turn, Brexit is bigger than Boris Johnson and stop the feds from running elections.

Sinn Fein hails 'new era' as it wins Northern Ireland vote

The Irish nationalist party Sinn Féin won a historic vote in Northern Ireland that will make it the largest party in the Northern Ireland Assembly for the first time.

'This is chaos': Christmas prices will rise in Britain, truckers say

The United Kingdom is short of around 100,000 truckers after tens of thousands returned to the European Union and 40,000 truck driver tests were canceled.

Panic buying leaves up to 90 percent of fuel pumps dry in major British cities

A post-Brexit shortage of lorry drivers as the COVID-19 pandemic eases has sown chaos through British supply chains in everything from food to fuel, raising the specter of disruptions and...

Great Brexit sausage fight goes into freezer for 3 months

BRUSSELS — The great Brexit sausage fight is going into the freezer for the next three months. The European Union and the United Kingdom agreed Wednesday not to let a...

UK and Australia sign trade deal, boosting post-Brexit economy

The agreement is the first bilateral trade pact Britain has signed since leaving the EU last year, a step critics said would devastate the country’s economy by reducing its role...

Biden opens European tour with slap at Brits

President Joe Biden is channeling his inner Clark Griswold on his trip to England for the G-7 summit. Too bad it’s his own nation he’s lampooning, writes Dominic Green of...

Political winds — like those in Britain — mean trouble for Democrats in US

Five years ago next month, British voters, in the largest turnout ever, voted to leave the EU by a 52% to 48% margin. It was an unexpected result, and a...

COVID overshadows independence in key Scottish election

EYEMOUTH, Scotland — James Cook was an enthusiastic supporter of Scottish independence, but now he’s not so sure. As Scotland holds an election Thursday that could be a stepping stone...