carl heastie

NY Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie blocked bill that would have closed rape law loophole despite surge in sex assaults

The Assembly speaker quietly blocked a bill that would have criminalized having sex with people who are too drunk to consent, insiders told The Post.

NY needs to outlaw masking at protests NOW before more antisemitic goons run wild

Masks are being abused in total KKK style: AG James has a duty to reverse course -- especially if she wants to keep any hope of winning higher office.

NYC crime wave continues with 21,000-plus shoplifting complaints for 2024 so far, all thanks to lefty Dems

Shoplifting is up 5% over last year, part of the NYC crime wave. Thank lefty Dems like Carl Heastie.

Albany must address the deadly surge in youth violence

Last week two teens killed and at least six more wounded in shootings and stabbings across the city, again flags the failure of Albany’s soft-on-crime approach.

Now NO ONE truly really runs New York City's public school system

CUNY Graduate Center Prof. David Bloomfield described the plan as a “putrid kettle of fish cooked up by the Legislature.”

Blame shoplifting scourge, blasé lawmakers for worst case of storefront vacancies since COVID

Per the city Department of Finance, more than 11% of Big Apple storefronts now sit empty, discouraging nearby commerce and attracting disorder.

WH's John Kirby flips reality on Iran, AG Merrick Garland goes blind to Biden's 'impairment' and more

White House National Security spokesman John Kirby claimed that Iran listened to President Biden's warning to "not escalate" after Israel killed Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi — despite the attack it...

NYPD fights back against illegal vendors — but pro-crime pols must get out of the way

The NYPD swooped in on an illegal vendor enclave in Queens. Great news! But we need pro-crime pols here and in Albany to get out of the way.

Soft-on-crime NY Speaker Heastie finally caves on increased penalties for assaulting retail workers

The reversal comes as Heastie, and lawmakers in general, are facing pressure to react to a rise in increasing violent crime.

Man who punched 9-year-old girl in Grand Central was enabled by soft-on-crime Dems

What kind of sicko sucker-punches a child? Better question: What kind of depraved society helps him do it?

Hochul announces preliminary agreement on $237B NY state budget -- with new measures on shoplifting

The preliminary plan would also allow prosecutors to hit repeat retail thieves with felony charges, and includes measures to crack down on illegal pot stores and kick start housing production...

Hochul, legislative leaders come to initial agreement on landmark housing deal

Gov. Kathy Hochul and top state lawmakers struck a housing deal Friday, clearing a major hurdle for state budget negotiations that have dragged on nearly two weeks past deadline, sources...

Critics furious over Hochul, Heastie plan to crack down on NY's $8 billion home care Medicaid program: 'Recipe for corruption'

Critics are furious about Gov. Kathy Hochul and state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie's new plan to crack down on New York's allegedly fraud-ridden $8 billion Medicaid homecare program.

It's time to end Albany's destructive micromanagement of NYC schools

This obscene, venal farce must end: Mayoral control should be made permanent. Let New York City run New York City schools.

Too soft: Carl Heastie faces GOP challenger fed up over crime stands, bail policies

"Heastie needs to be held responsible for the policies he implemented -- first and foremost bail reform," Stepanie Liggio told The Post.

Some NY state lawmakers skip town to catch solar eclipse as late budget negotiations drag on

Some New York state legislators skipped town Monday to watch the solar eclipse -- even as negotiations on the already-late budget continue to drag on.

NYS Assembly passes stopgap spending plan ahead of eclipse day off as budget talks drag on

Despite being scheduled to be in-session, the legislature’s lower house is ditching Albany on Monday so lawmakers can take the day off to watch the solar eclipse.

Soft-on-crime Carl Heastie's NYC district dealing with massive surge in rape, robbery

Soft-on-crime state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie fiddles while his backyard in the Bronx burns, crime statistics show.

Speaker Heastie spares shoplifters: Letters to the Editor — April 5, 2024

NY Post readers discuss Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie opposing a bill to crack down on convicted shoplifters.

It’s time for Carl Heastie to listen up and get down to business to make NYC safer

With violent retail thieves brazenly flouting the law and battering those who try to stop them, many New Yorkers would like to see their government adopt harsher penalties for such...