christine quinn (politician)

With terrorists streaming in via Biden's open borders, it's time to repeal NY's sanctuary-city laws

Our national security is in peril, and the alarming signs are everywhere.

NYC Dem demands defunding for ex-Council speaker's nonprofit over pro-Palestine staffer

City Councilman Robert Holden is demanding the city defund Christine Quinn's nonprofit after her staffer marched in a contentious pro-Palestine rally.

Feminist staffer of taxpayer-funded nonprofit run by ex-Council Speaker attended pro-Hamas rally

Emilia Vieira, a communications manager working for ex-City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's nonprofit participated in a controversial Oct. 8 pro-Palestine rally in Midtown.

NYC launches new campaign to outlaw horse-drawn carriages as inhumane

A new left-right coalition is galloping to accomplish something the previous City Council and mayor failed to do: ban horse carriages.

Ex-City Council Speaker Christine Quinn in the hospital

Quinn -- who served in the city's legislative body from 1999 to 2013 and its speaker from 2006 to 2013 -- said she expects to leave the hospital soon.

City Council set to boost rental vouchers for homeless by hundreds of dollars each

Both Councilman Steve Levin and Council Speaker Corey Johnson have both backed the proposal that would increase the monthly subsidies for the rent voucher program.

Christine Quinn preparing another run for NYC mayor

Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is preparing another run to become mayor of New York City, sources said Tuesday. "Chris has talked to people about running for mayor. She's...

Potential mayoral bid by Christine Quinn measured by secret poll

A private pollster asked New York City Democrats about a potential mayoral candidacy for former Council Speaker Christine Quinn, The Post has learned. Quinn ran for mayor in 2013, finishing...

Corey Johnson scolds Bill de Blasio after mayor rips Michael Bloomberg

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson offered Mayor Bill de Blasio a pre-Thanksgiving lesson in graciousness Tuesday, following Hizzoner's relentless criticism of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's presidential bid. “There are things...

Booing pragmatism is a huge sign that Democrats don't really want to win

With Mayor Bill de Blasio spending his time tilting at windmills in 2020 presidential primary states, it’s only natural that the local political class would have already started thinking about...

Christine Quinn considering another run for mayor, insiders say

Former Council Speaker Christine Quinn is eyeing another run for mayor in 2021, The Post has learned. Quinn,  52, who currently heads homeless shelter provider Women in Need, is feeling...

Christine Quinn corralling NY Democrats for Nancy Pelosi speaker bid

WASHINGTON —- Christine Quinn, vice chair of the state Democratic Committee, is trying to whip any stragglers in New York's congressional delegation into line behind Nancy Pelosi's bid for reelection...

Nixon is selling 'unqualified lesbian' merchandise

“Sex and the City” actress Cynthia Nixon wants to make some campaign cash from ex-City Council speaker Christine Quinn's insult that she was “an unqualified lesbian” by hawking buttons bearing...

Cynthia Nixon laughs off 'unqualified lesbian' comments

Cynthia Nixon laughed off criticism that she’s an “unqualified lesbian” on Wednesday at a campaign kickoff event in Greenwich Village. Nixon, challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo for the Democratic nomination, seized...

Quinn's botched hit on Nixon exposes gov's dirty tactics

Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn denies she meant her barb at Cynthia Nixon on Tuesday as an attack on the new gubernatorial candidate’s sexual identity. But then, why did...

Nixon fundraising off Quinn's 'unqualified lesbian' attack

Seeking to spin a personal attack on her into political gold, Cynthia Nixon asked her supporters Wednesday for contributions to repudiate a slam against her by a top ally of...

The Nixon-Cuomo brawl will ultimately cost taxpayers

Politics ain’t beanbag, as Cynthia Nixon learned right out of the starting gate. On day two of her primary campaign against Gov. Cuomo, the “Sex and the City” actress got...

Quinn sorry for calling Cynthia Nixon an 'unqualified lesbian'

Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn apologized Tuesday night for calling wannabe-governor Cynthia Nixon an “unqualified lesbian.” Nixon is unqualified, period, Quinn said. Quinn said she was wrong for bringing...

Quinn: Cynthia Nixon isn't a 'qualified lesbian' — I am

Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn doubled down on labeling actress and wannabe-governor Cynthia Nixon an "unqualified lesbian" Tuesday — tweeting that it was simply a comparison to herself as...

Christine Quinn bashes 'unqualified lesbian' Cynthia Nixon

Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, an openly gay supporter of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, called Cynthia Nixon an "unqualified lesbian" a day after the actress announced she's going to challenge...