chuck hagel

How the Vietnam war tore these brothers apart

The blast, and the gunfire that followed, flattened the column of soldiers. Twenty-one-year-old Chuck Hagel was on his back, blood bubbling out of his chest with every breath. His 19-year-old...

Hagel: White House tried to destroy me after I resigned

Former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel revealed in an extensive interview published Friday that he had approved plans to strike Damascus with Tomahawk cruise missiles after Syria’s Bashar al-Assad crossed the...

Big Brother 2.0: 160,000 Facebook pages are hacked a day

WikiLeaks, the National Security Agency, data mining — we all know Big Brother is watching. But few of us realize to what extent. Some things you might not know: Your...

Obama nominates Ashton Carter as defense secretary

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is calling Ashton Carter one of the nation's foremost national security leaders as he nominates him as secretary of defense. Carter was deputy defense secretary from...

Former Pentagon No. 2 expected to replace Hagel at Defense

President Barack Obama is expected to nominate former Pentagon official Ashton Carter as US defense secretary, CNN reported Tuesday. Carter, a former deputy secretary at the Department of Defense, had...

Blame Obama for Hagel chaos

Breaking news from the White House: Chuck Hagel lacks the skills to be defense secretary. Talk about understatement. That’s like the last soldier on the roof of the Saigon embassy...

Hagel under the bus

When Chuck Hagel was nominated as defense secretary, we blasted him for saying the Obama policy toward Iran was “containment” — i.e., limiting Iran’s nuclear-weapons program rather than preventing it...

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel resigns

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, the first enlisted combat veteran to head the Pentagon, resigned Monday under pressure from a White House that wanted new leadership to tackle growing...

Hagel to order nuke force overhaul to fix failures

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has concluded that problems in the nation's nuclear forces are rooted in a lack of investment, inattention by high-level leaders and sagging morale, and...

Cuomo makes surprise visit to Afghanistan

Gov. Cuomo jetted into war-torn Afghanistan on Saturday to receive counterterrorism briefings on global threats affecting New York, at the invitation of the Defense Department. “During a period of heightened...

Dempsey: 15,000 ground troops needed to destroy ISIS

WASHINGTON — As the massive US-led air campaign plows ahead, the nation’s top military chief says it will take 15,000 ground troops to wipe out ISIS in Syria. Gen. Martin...

Dempsey hints at ground troops if US attacks on ISIS fail

WASHINGTON — Just a week ­after President Obama pledged not to send combat troops to Iraq, his top military adviser left the door open to using American forces to “accompany...

Hagel: Islamic State 'beyond anything we've seen'

The sophistication, wealth and military might of Islamic State militants represent a major threat to the United States that may surpass that once posed by al Qaeda, U.S. military leaders...

Hondo: Cats can do

Kemp failed miserably at crunch time Wednesday night, which gave Hondo a loss in Atlanta that boosted the accounts payable to 1,580 morrises. Thursday: Mr. Aitch will try again with...

US sends aircraft carrier to Persian Gulf amid Iraq strife

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered an aircraft carrier — the USS George H.W. Bush — to move from the northern Arabian Sea to the Persian Gulf as...

Hagel defends secrecy leading to Bergdahl rescue

A defiant Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel took hits from both sides of the aisle Wednesday for failing to notify Congress of the controversial swap of five Taliban prisoners at Guantanamo...

Hondo: Hiro's welcome

Hondo’s stay in negative three figures ended Monday night when the Rockies and Giants failed their modest tasks, resulting in the deficit jumping to 1,190 meusels. Wednesday night: Mr. Aitch...

Obama: Bergdahl would've been killed if Congress had been told

Army POW Bowe Bergdahl would have been killed if word had leaked about the five-for-one trade that secured his release, officials said Thursday. The Obama administration has been telling senators...

Army sergeant accused of sexually assaulting 12 soldiers

ST. LOUIS — A Missouri-based Army drill sergeant has been accused of sexually assaulting 12 female soldiers during the past three years, including several while he was deployed in Afghanistan....

Escaped Nigerian student says abduction was 'too terrifying for words'

BAUCHI, Nigeria — One of the teenagers who escaped from Islamic extremists who abducted more than 300 schoolgirls says the kidnapping was "too terrifying for words," and she is now...