city hall

Record-breaking $112.4B NYC budget deal reverses majority of Adams' cuts

The full scope of reversals had yet to be unveiled, but the mayor and speaker touted a $58 million funding restoration to libraries Thursday night.

NY pols' 'cooling center' cold shoulder is shameful

Mayor Adams' office sent out an appeal to 225 local elected officials and staffers to offer their offices as "cooling centers" to the public, and only six responded.

How City Hall frittered away $41M on no-bid migrant shelter deal with dodgy DocGo

The secret no-bid contract with the dodgy company is paying $1,100 a day for a single social worker and $65 an hour to security guards.

City Hall wants help finding anti-Israel protester who told 'Zionists' to ID themselves on NYC subway: 'Vile and illegal'

City officials on Thursday issued a "help wanted" alert, asking New Yorkers to help track down the anti-Israeli protester who terrorized passengers on a subway train in Union Square on...

City Health Commissioner Vasan's unforced mental-health miscue

Mayor Adams and Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan are getting major pushback for messing with small mental-health community centers — and rightly so.

NYC Council member accuses Eric Adams aide of perjury ahead of City Hall oversight vote

A contentious fight over the city council's expanded oversight of mayoral appointments continued to escalate Thursday as one lawmaker attacked one of the mayor’s top advisers, accusing her of lying...

Kathy Hochul got it half right with her late awakening to slam the brakes on NYC congestion pricing

Reports say the tax was so unpopular that fellow Democrats feared it would cost them House seats in the November election, so they asked Hochul for a reprieve.

The City Council's power grab would make NYC government more dysfunctional

The City Council is moving ahead with its power grab over top mayoral appointments, demanding an unprecedented power of approval over chiefs of the NYPD, FDNY and other key agencies.

Inside the heated power struggle between NYC's mayor and the City Council speaker

They may share a name, but they're no happy family.

NYC’s top lawyer officially leaves as Adams admin lobbies for Randy Mastro as replacement

In a lengthy farewell email to the entire Law Department Thursday, Sylvia Hinds-Radix thanked her staff for their work on shutting down canabis shops, the lawsuits against social media companies...

Power struggle between Adams, NYC Council heats up with dueling meetings over mayoral picks, city charter changes

The hearing, which got underway at 10 a.m., was taking place just hours before Hizzoner's new Charter Revision Commission was slated to convene for the very first time in an...

City Hall sees new bill to mandate radiator inspections four months after Brooklyn tot was fatally burned by steam from faulty heater

NYC Councilwoman Farah Louis’ (D-Brooklyn) legislation comes four months after Brooklyn baby Binyomin Kuravsky was fatally burned by scorching steam from a faulty heater. 

NYC families on 3-K waitlist fuming at lack of clarity as parents now face lengthy commutes

Thousands of Big Apple families have been waitlisted for the city's free 3-K program -- and many are fuming at what they say is a lack of clarity about the...

Thousands flood City Hall steps to oppose proposed Brooklyn homeless shelter

Over 2,000 New Yorkers incensed over the city's plan to build a homeless shelter in a Brooklyn neighborhood descended on City Hall to oppose the proposal.

City Council's latest power grab is a fight Mayor Adams must win

In an outrageous bid to grab more power — but not an ounce of added accountability — City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and her lefty allies are seeking a council...

NYC to shell out $80M on Brooklyn pier repairs, 'planning' for massive port overhaul

The city is splurging $80 million to repair three Brooklyn piers and come up with a plan for the 122 acre Red Hook port overhaul.

City Hall is taking candy from babies to end subway peddling as parents plead, 'I need to work'

City Hall, the NYPD and the MTA are handing out fliers to discourage migrant kids from peddling candy in the subways and on Big Apple streets -- a source of...

Randy Mastro is more than qualified to be NYC's top lawyer

Most of the City Council signed a letter vowing to block confirmation of Randy Mastro if Mayor Eric Adams chooses him as the next corporation counsel.

Mayor Adams seeks to oust outspoken chairwoman of NYPD oversight board: sources

Mayor Eric Adams is trying to oust the interim chairwoman of the civilian oversight board tasked with investigating complaints against the NYPD, according to sources.

NYC’s top lawyer learned she's being replaced through the news after raising issues with city repping Adams in sex misconduct suit: sources

The relationship between the Corporation Counsel Hon. Sylvia Hinds-Radix and City Hall began to sour over the past few weeks as she raised concerns over using the Law Department for...