
Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party: docs

Lt. Steven Li was working at the Internal Affairs Bureau when he helped a Chinese national connect with a woman targeted by the Chinese government from between 2019 and 2021,...

Revolutionary manifesto tying Columbia's pro-terror protests to heralded communism is found on campus

A hate-fueled revolutionary manifesto that links Columbia University's pro-terror protests to heralded “anti-colonial” movements is circulating at the school, bolstering claims of outside agitators there.

PBS misremembers William F. Buckley Jr. — the man who built a movement

“The Incomparable Mr. Buckley,” the latest installment in the “American Masters” series, has much to say about anti-Communism but never reckons with the murderous reality of Communism itself.

Socialist pol celebrates Communist Party leader, anarchist, 'mother of all whores' for Women's History Month

Caban’s list, marking Women's History Month, championed radical extremists involved in assassination plots and advocating for overthrowing the US government.

Top Cuban Communist Party official with eternal allegiance to Fidel Castro to address NYC Bar Association

Yamila Gonzalez Ferrer, 54, is instructed to always be faithful to the teachings of "her commander" Fidel Castro.

Want to look like Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader responsible for millions of deaths? It'll cost you $1,600

A Moscow-based fashion designer decided to commemorate the March 5 anniversary of the passing of the man responsible for the deaths of millions.

They're greedy and they're crooky, the FBI thinks they're ooky… Democrats warn Eric Adams' shady inner circle is threat to re-election

Democratic strategists are sounding the alarm at the quality of Adams' inner circle after the second FBI raid on an aide in four months.

Eric Adams sports Chinese Communist Party scarves — but says they're just innocent gifts

It's a colorful accessory for a mayor-about-town but this scarf has direct ties to Communism. He was handed it as a gift unaware of its meaning.

Javier Milei’s Argentine success is paving the way for freedom and prosperity across Latin America

According to columnist Axel Kaiser, Argentine President Javier Milei well on the way to achieving the unthinkable: putting an end to a century of collectivist decline.

Park Avenue bank ran Chinese Communist cell, ordered workers to follow party rules: lawsuit

The investment bank even ordered workers not to "violate party policies," a 50-page federal case claimed.

Fowl play: Thieves steal 133 tons of chicken from Cuban plant to buy laptops, appliances

The "fowl" play was committed by shift bosses, IT workers and security guards at the Havana plant.

To hit Iran, let's back the democratic opposition — it worked in the Cold War

Though many in Washington were slow to recognize it, it’s now clear to all Iran has launched a war in the Middle East against the United States and our closest...

Goldman Sachs slammed by NYC pol over past 'ties' to anti-Israel ‘communist’ organization leader’s ‘Nazi rhetoric’

The Post has learned that Rep. Ritchie Torres has written a strongly worded letter to Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund President, Karen Dye, after learning they donated "millions" to The People’s...

Biden admin rolls out red carpet for Chinese Communist who ran secret NYC police station

Liu Jianchao was welcomed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken -- despite running secret police stations and a dissident crackdown the FBI are warning about.

Communist cable TV heir giving $24K payout from NYC BLM protest to anti-Israel causes to spite 'chief pig' Eric Adams

James "Fergie" Chambers is a scion of the $34 billion Cox media empire who is using his money to fight against Israel, Zionism and other "anti-colonialism" causes.

Cuba claims Florida man tried to invade the socialist island on a jet ski

Cuba's notoriously paranoid socialist leadership claims a South Florida exile boarded a jetski and tried to invade the island nation, allegedly part of the latest Miami-fueled plot to overthrow the...

'Mao's America' author reveals how US is on the verge of becoming a Communist state like China

Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of the communist rule of ex-Chinese leader Mao Zedong, claimed that critical race theory is “the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.”

Red flag: NYC principals study in China on taxpayer, communist group's dime

Seven New York City school leaders are on a weeklong "educational leadership" trip across China – funded in part by taxpayer money – raising red flags over privacy issues and...

Elite NYC private schools are owned by Chinese Communist Party boss

Basis Independent schools in Manhattan and Brooklyn are owned by Fred Hu. Ron DeSantis has acted against schools in the same chain in Florida.

Inside Eric Adams' troubling inner circle

Mayor Eric Adams’ readiness to embrace people from every community and even make some his advisers is commendable — but there are limits.