corporate taxes

Trump floats 20% corporate tax rate in DC meeting with CEOs: report

Former President Donald Trump said Thursday during a meeting with top CEOs in Washington, DC, that he wanted to slash the corporate tax rate to 20% -- hours after discussing...

Billionaire Mark Cuban dodges question asking if he pays his 'fair share' of taxes: 'I pay what I owe'

Billionaire Mark Cuban said he was "proud" to pay hundreds of millions in taxes to the IRS in a ridiculed X post ahead of Tax Day.

These 3 zodiac signs will totally blow their tax return this year

The only certainties in life are death and taxes — and if you're alive in America today, folks, the latter is knocking on your door.

Your tax refund could be delayed -- possibly for years: What to do if it happens to you

Identity theft, an inconsistency or faulty IRS computers could explain why some filers don't get the promised refund within a reasonable time frame.

Admit green agenda’s costs, Biden's problematic ‘pier’ plan and other commentary

It’s “absurd to focus solely on lives saved” if the cost is “societal destruction,” yet politicians do that “in the name of fighting climate change,” said Bjorn Lomborg.

IRS plans to hire 3,700 auditors to crack down on wealthy tax dodgers

The agency issued a statement on Friday saying that it would fill positions in more than 250 locations nationwide.

Investment taxed at 86% — Biden's tax plan would kill Wall Street

President Joe Biden has been touting his “Invest in America” theme across the country. 

NY Dems propose 4% tax on Netflix, parcel deliveries and Uber to fund MTA

Democrats in Albany want to impose a 4% sales tax on streaming services to help stave off an MTA tax hike.

Tyson Foods shares tank on weak demand for chicken

Tyson Foods took a "hit in the mouth" as larger-than-expected US beef and pork supplies reduced demand for its chicken, company executives said on Monday, as the meatpacker missed Wall Street estimates...

Millions of Americans eligible for $1,400 stimulus checks: Find out if you qualify

Americans who haven't yet claimed the third installment of stimulus payments last year can still do so.

Corporations rage at Biden, Democrats over tax hikes

The US Chamber of Commerce said the bill would saddle businesses with "significant new tax increases and unprecedented government price controls."

Why Wall Street celebrating Inflation Reduction Act could be premature

Tax experts warn that a new tax on stock buybacks could turn into a “gateway drug” to tax all kinds of financial transactions.

Ex-Treasury secretary says Congress should raise taxes to fight inflation 'right now'

Congress is missing an opportunity to combat decades-high inflation by failing to implement tax hikes, former Clinton administration Treasury Secretary Larry Summers asserted on Friday. Summers, a frequent critic of...

These states the biggest losers as wealthy fled to low-tax areas in 2020: IRS

The pandemic triggered a "wealth migration" which saw high-tax states lose high-income earners to low-tax locales.

Another Dem mistake! Threatened price controls won't curb Biden-flation

What Biden is best at when things go wrong is pointing his finger at someone else. He passes the buck.

NYC homeowners slam tax bill: 'Living here is getting difficult'

New York City’s byzantine property tax system has left homeowners with increasingly burdensome obligations that have pushed them deeper into debt — and may eventually give some no choice but...

Facts Trump Dems’ claims on Donald's economy

It’s becoming clear that former President Donald Trump made America’s economy great again with tax cuts and responsible spending -- all for President Joe Biden to ruin it, Kevin Hassett...

Nearly 140 countries agree to minimum global corporate tax rate of 15 percent

Nearly 140 countries, representing more than 90 percent of the world's GDP, agreed to set a minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent Friday.

Ireland hikes corporate taxes in blow to Facebook, Apple and Google

Facebook, Apple, Google and other big tech firms with offices in Ireland are set to take a hit to their bottom lines as the country hikes corporate taxes.

Biden could owe as much as $500K in back taxes, government report indicates

Republicans say a new report indicates President Joe Biden improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes before he took office — raising the possibility that he owes the IRS as much as...