critical race theory

Policies for ‘nonbinary service members,’ critical race theory are Pentagon 'priority:' senior defense official

The Pentagon's second-highest-ranking official outlined a commitment to policies focused on "nonbinary service members" and mandating critical race theory training, according to reports.

US taxpayers shouldn't be subsidizing idiotic college extremism

The madness needs to stop: tax dollars for pro-Hamas insanity is pure evil.

Two-thirds of US colleges, universities require DEI classes to graduate: report

Most American colleges and universities require the completion of courses that emphasize Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)-related topics to graduate, according to a new report surveying public and private institutions....

Yes, Donald Trump & Co. SHOULD fight unfair anti-white racism

An Axios report on the Trump team’s intention to use civil-rights laws to target DEI policies discriminating against whites has occasioned sneering and denunciations.

Critical Race Theory is the new segregation across schools nationwide

Since the public became aware of critical race theory a few years ago, it’s subverted almost every aspect of America’s fabric.

The NYT finally admits it: Schools are teaching our kids divisive critical race theory

In a front-page article in Friday’s New York Times, “Ethnic Studies Collides With Israel-Hamas War,” education reporter Dana Goldstein exposes the truth about K-12 education.

'Woke Kindergarten' leader wants US, Israel destroyed: 'We've been trying to end y'all'

A San Francisco Bay-area elementary school was trained by an organization called "Woke Kindergarten," whose leader wants to see America and Israel destroyed as countries, according to posts on social media. 

Milwaukee Public Schools calls for 'unequal distribution of resources' in order to 'dismantle' whiteness in leaked memo

Young America’s Foundation exposes district memo on 'Understanding Whiteness'

We should fight for a color-blind society -- not one separated by race

In his new book, “The Virtue of Color-Blindness,” Andre Archie, an associate professor of ancient Greek philosophy at Colorado State University, argues that “social justice” groups are dragging us back...

Speaker Johnson must advocate for a truly color-blind culture

Make no mistake, Mr. Speaker: America needs healing — and a National Colorblindness Amendment can help that healing begin. 

'Mao's America' author reveals how US is on the verge of becoming a Communist state like China

Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of the communist rule of ex-Chinese leader Mao Zedong, claimed that critical race theory is “the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.”

Wokeness, antisemitism forced us to pull our kids from their city school

My two children are only two out of over 100,000 that have left the city school system in the last two years. How many more will leave before we see...

Anti-racism instructor blames 'right-wing media' after protesting principal commits suicide

“This incident is being weaponized to discredit and suppress the work of everyone committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion,” anti-racism instructor Kike Ojo-Thompson said in a statement.

Biden's Treasury Department slammed for woke equity expansion: 'Wasteful spending'

President Biden’s Treasury Department is expanding its own bureaucracy with woke functionaries bent on chasing "diversity, equity, and inclusion."

Private school sicced FBI on us when we protested critical race theory, moms claim

Two mothers say Columbus Academy, in Ohio, called them "dangerous" for speaking out about "left-wing bias." One teacher refused to speak to Trump-supporting students, they say.

Teacher on leave for discussing sex toys, the role of the prostate in sexual pleasure to class

A California high school teacher has landed in hot water after she was caught on video telling students about sex toys and the role of the prostate in sexual pleasure.

Real disinfo on CRT, Tim Scott’s path to victory and other commentary

Per a recent study, around 80% of Americans who have heard of Critical Race Theory “did not know that colorblindness” is not part of CRT, observe Max Eden & Michael...

An AP lesson: Progressive brainwashing only stops when people pay attention

In January of this year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration rejected a pilot version of the College Board’s new Advanced Placement course on African American studies.

Randi Weingarten is the shame of the nation

In a piece in USA Today, Randi Weingarten dropped a piece headlined “MAGA Republicans are destroying our public schools. Teachers and parents must fight back.”

DEI has gone to the dogs as schools train Fido's vet to be woke

Nothing is safe from diversity, equity and inclusion ideology — not even your dog.