democratic socialists of america

Democratic socialists target moderates in NY state Assembly primary races

Six DSA-backed incumbents and challengers are trying to expand the socialist footprint in New York state's Legislature during Tuesday's primaries.

AOC, Bernie Sanders dubbed 'sellouts' by far-left group at NYC Jamaal Bowman rally for not being pro-Palestinian enough

Socialists were all but eating their own at a Bronx park on Saturday as a radical anti-Israel group ripped Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other “establishment” lefties as...

Socialists are on both offense and defense in attempt take NY primaries

New York's red menace is looking to expand their reach across the five boroughs.

Black voters at odds with Jamaal Bowman could help sink him

A new poll of black voters in the "Squad" congressman's Bronx-Westchester district found his record in Congress at odds with their priorities.

From Dem Socialist upstarts, underdog pol targeting AOC and even an ex-con, the NY primaries have it all

The primary's nine days of early voting started Saturday.

Jewish activists get out the vote in bid to topple anti-Israel 'Squad' Rep. Jamaal Bowman

An unprecedented "Vote Shabbot" campaign is underway to galvanize Jews in Westchester County to vote in a bid to oust lefty anti-Israel "Squad" Rep. Jamaal Bowman and elect primary challenger...

NY 'Squad' Rep. Jamaal Bowman exposed for 'lies' about Israel support as he pushes for Democratic Socialists' backing

New York “Squad” Rep. Jamaal Bowman is being accused of lying about his positions on Israel — publicly suggesting one thing and then allegedly flopping while privately groveling to a...

Pro-Israel PAC targets NY Democratic Socialists in scathing six-figure ad campaign

A pro-Israel, pro-real estate PAC iis launching a six figure campaign against the Democratic Socialists of America and progressive candidates.

Democratic Socialists back `Squad' Rep. Jamaal Bowman in primary battle

The anti-Israel Democratic Socialists of America endorsed embattled lefty "Squad" Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who is facing a serious primary challenge from moderate Westchester County Executive George Latimer in the 16th...

Socialist pol running for State Assembly lives in posh NYC condo built with real estate tax exemption he opposes

“District lines are arbitrary," Eon Huntley told The Post about the the problematic address. "Community and neighborhood are another thing."

NYC Council's secret 'woke' wish list for Albany politicians revealed -- including bill that could free killers when they reach 55

The New York City Council’s far-left majority plans to push Albany pols to pass a slew of super-woke measures– including bills to help parole murderers over 55.

Socialist Brooklyn pol appears at anti-Israel event sponsored by group being investigated for Hamas fundraising

Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher appeared at a pro-Palestinian phone bank guest sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine NJ, whose parent body is being investigated for potentially funding Hamas.

Democratic Socialists face 7-figure 'crisis' amid Palestinian support that may force dreaded layoffs of staff

The Democratic Socialists of America are red all over — with a financial situation so dire that some leaders are demanding job cuts and the layoff of staffers just like...

'Anti-Israel' Brooklyn pol co-chairing new NYC Council 'Task Force to Combat Hate'

A Brooklyn socialist pol who has blamed Israelis for instigating Hamas terrorists' barbaric attacks on the Jewish state has been named co-chair of a new City Council task force whose...

NYC Democratic Socialists push guide for handling encounters with feds amid anti-Israel protests

The guide covers common tips for handling encounters with feds, but also how to frustrate agents' investigations.

Anti-Israel radicals who shut down NYC bridges linked to AOC, funded by Rockefellers: experts

The protests were co-ordinated by the Democratic Socialists of America, which has boasted AOC as a member, and other groups, one with major charity backing.

Anti-Israel vandals leave bloody doll dubbed ‘Palestinian child messiah’ outside Rep. Torres’ office

The district office of South Bronx Rep. Ritchie Torres was vandalized by “anti-Israel extremists” on Christmas Day, with blood-red paint covering a doll representing Jesus Christ — which the congressman...

How DSA educators spread far-left 'poison' in America's schools

A new report from the Parents Defending Education documents dozens of DSA members who have landed school board and teachers unions positions, where they can manipulate the public education to...

NY state senator fires top aide who ranted that Oct. 7 Hamas slaughter on Israel was 'justified'

A top aide for State Sen. Julia Salazar who praised Hamas on a private social media channel following the terror group's deadly incursion on Israel was fired Monday morning.

House Dem leader Hakeem Jeffries condemns DSA after pro-Palestinian org targets him with 'racist' watermelon ad

"The use of racially inflammatory imagery should come as no surprise given the role NYC-DSA and other gentrifiers have played in aggressively attacking Black elected officials," Jeffries' office said.