
May 2024 horoscopes: What the season of the bull means for your sign

A hearty high-five, back-slap and three fingers of scotch go to any and all who survived the astrological rodeo that was April 2K24.

Ready yourself for release during April's full pink moon in Scorpio

April has thus far been a fresh kind of hell, and we will not go gently or sweetly into the pastures of Taurus season nor this lunation. Hot take: the...

Rare star explosion expected to be 'once-in-a-lifetime viewing opportunity': NASA

Another special cosmic event is to occur this year, and it could be a "once-in-a-lifetime viewing opportunity," according to NASA.

What is TikTok's 'April theory' and does astrology support it?

As we march through the month of April, a viral TikTok theory is sweeping the socials. The viral TikTok April theory maintains that during the fourth month of the year,...

Killer LA mom who stabbed partner, pushed kids out of car in murder-suicide was terrified of world ending with eclipse

The killer mom was a once-prolific astrologer who was terrified of the impending “apocalypse” she believed the eclipse would incite, according to a report.

Crazed woman shoots random drivers on Florida interstate because 'God' told her to via the solar eclipse

Taylon Nichelle Celestine, 22, told staffers at her motel that she was directed by "God" to go on a shooting spree in relation to the solar eclipse, Florida Highway Patrol...

Solar eclipse 2024 wasn't the end of drama: The biggest astrological event comes this weekend

Eclipse drama is just the beginning. April 20 brings a rare conjunction that promises chaos, change, freedom and upheaval.

Biden mocks Trump looking at 2017 solar eclipse with PSA: 'Don't be silly, folks'

Eye doctors warn that looking at the sun even briefly could cause lasting vision damage.

NASA launches sounding rockets into moon's shadow during solar eclipse

NASA will be launching three sounding rockets at the moon's shadow during Monday's solar eclipse to study how the phenomenon affects the Earth's atmosphere.

Here are 7 must-watch TV episodes that feature a solar eclipse

7 TV shows that feature eclipses and eclipse-related plot lines, including "Mad Men," "The Simpsons" and "Charmed."

Inside 'eclipse sickness': Many claim to be plagued by 'weird' feelings, headaches and insomnia

Many concerned social media users are claiming that the cosmic overlap is causing them to suffer from "eclipse sickness," with symptoms like insomnia, headaches and even wonky menstrual cycles.

How to take a picture of the solar eclipse with your phone

It'll be gone in a flash — complete darkness for Monday's solar eclipse will last up to 4 minutes and 28 seconds depending on where you are in the path...

What time to watch the solar eclipse 2024 in NYC — a viewer’s guide to all five boroughs

Get your free eclipse glasses and ready your excuses to miraculously be "busy" around 3:30 p.m. today, because the solar eclipse is here!

How today’s weather will affect solar eclipse viewing in NYC —and across the country

Weather forecasters are predicting overcast skies in some spots along the 2024 total eclipse's path, which will prevent sky-gazers from seeing the big moment when the moon crosses paths with...

Texas grandfather, 105, to watch his 13th total solar eclipse: 'I saw one and I had to see them all'

“I always feel like a lucky man when I see it. It reminds me that no matter where you are in life, we’re all just a little spot in the...

Solar eclipse 2024: Watch out for these animals' 'strange behaviors'

There could be a turtle eclipse of the heart.

Northeast expected to have some of the best views of the solar eclipse

Those hoping to catch a glimpse of Monday's solar eclipse in New York City are in luck as the forecast shapes up for the once-in-a-lifetime event.

'Total Eclipse of the Heart' singer Bonnie Tyler feels extra love for her hit song ahead of the eclipse

The 1983 hit song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is getting a surge of love ahead of Monday's solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse 2024 rituals: An exorcist reveals how to balance energy and clear the way for change

Darkness cometh, my babies, but an expert is on hand to explain how to navigate in the dark and find a path forward within it.

The Post's official solar eclipse playlist: David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Bonnie Tyler and more

As we count down to the total solar eclipse on Monday, here are 10 tracks to get you in tune with the moon — and the soon-to-be-blocked sun.