
Dear Abby: My daughter doesn't want anything to do with me

Dear Abby weighs in on a woman's family drama and helps another woman cut ties with a bad friend.

'None of us are alone anymore': 5 New Yorkers on how they rid of the loneliness 'virus' and got back out there

These New Yorkers, tired of being lonely post-pandemic, are some of the many city-side camaraderie curators who've taken control of their social lives, launching clubs, cliques and even niche apps...

Millennial reveals sad reality of being a young person right now in struggle to make friends

Grace has been sharing the new thing she’s been trying even though it makes her “nervous” and it exposes what young people are surprisingly bad at.

Gen Zers and millennials are 'quiet quitting' their friendships — here's why

Best friends — but not necessarily forever.

I told my friend to take her son to the doctor for his horrible behavior -- here was her reaction

Parenting is a tough gig, and while we might have differing views and opinions on how to do the ‘hardest job in the world’ is it ever okay to openly judge a friend’s...

Dear Abby: I want to throw away my daughter's gifts, is that wrong?

Dear Abby gives advice to a mother who doesn't know how to tell her mother-in-law to stop sending her daughter home with craft projects, since she won't use it after...

My best friend had a shocking reaction when I told her I was becoming a grandmother

Sharing good news with a best friend should be a happy occasion and something you can both celebrate. But for one upset woman and soon-to-be grandmother, her joyful announcement caused friction with her...

Oprah Winfrey hospitalized with stomach flu: 'Very serious thing,' Gayle King says

Oprah Winfrey was hospitalized for "some kind of stomach thing," her best friend, Gayle King, revealed on Tuesday.

Dear Abby: How do I tell my friend I don't agree with her politics?

Dear Abby advises a woman who has been friends with another woman for 40 years, but now only calls her to talk about her ailing health and politics -- of...

Dear Abby: I think my old-friend ghosted me because I'm not Jewish enough

Dear Abby weighs in on a friendship that abruptly ended and a relationship that's hurting a partner's wallet.

YouTubers might cheer you up more than certain people, study

Here's when social media might be helpful.

'Drag her!' Andy Cohen reacts to John Mayer's letter clarifying their relationship

Andy Cohen cheered on John Mayer when the musician sent a letter to The Hollywood Reporter about their line of questioning to Cohen about their friendship.

Men are more likely to be friends if they don't share the same taste in women: study

Mates before dates — but only if your mate doesn't fancy your date.

Dear Abby: I want to cut off my criminal brother

Dear Abby advises a sibling who wants to end their contact with their brother and a woman whose ex-friend wants an item back.

Dear Abby: My wife left me 'to find herself'

Dear Abby helps a man who lost his wife not to another man in fact, but in her own words, "to find herself."

Dear Abby: Our neighbors keep on copying whatever we do

Dear Abby weighs in on a couple who believed they got along well with their next-door neighbors until they started copying the couple's tasks and hobbies and turned it into...

Dear Abby: I just turned 40 — and I can't find a woman to date who isn't divorced or has kids

Dear Abby advises a man looking for a never-been-married partner, a mother trying to protect her children and a friend who is now estranged from her neighbor.

Dear Abby: My boyfriend wants to marry me — but he's ugly

Dear Abby counsels a woman unsure over whether to marry her boyfriend and someone angry at their spouse's friend.

NYC mom finds long-lost friend with help of old photo and lucky Facebook post: 'I started crying'

“I just wanted to know how she was doing,” UWS resident Jennifer Calcano said of her decades-old friend. “I wasn’t expecting much.”

My friend gave her baby an oddly spelled name — it will ruin the girl's life

If only Shakespeare was around to write this tragedeigh.