G7 Summit

White House makes wrong claims while accusing Post of misreporting videos of Biden freezing up, wandering off

The White House went on the offensive against The Post Monday for calling out President Biden's frailty in a series of recent videos — only to make false statements of...

G7 plan to loan Ukraine $50 billion from frozen Russian assets is legal, Yellen says

“The investments that Russia had have matured. So Russia’s funds are sitting in cash, but they’re generating income for the institution which Russia has no claim on,” US Treasury Secretary...

Biden's G7 antics: Letters to the Editor — June 17, 2024

NY Post readers discuss President Biden’s gaffe in which he meandered during the first day of the G7 summit.

Joe Biden's rough stretch continues as his debate with Donald Trump is on the horizon

A common refrain in politics is that two weeks is a lifetime, meaning big changes can happen quickly.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stands by Israel at G7

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stood by Israel Saturday when pressed why the G7 hasn't condemned the Jewish state over civilian deaths caused by its attacks on Hamas terrorists in...

Pope Francis becomes first pontiff to address a G7 summit, raising alarm about AI

Pope Francis challenged leaders of the world’s wealthy democracies on Friday to keep human dignity foremost in developing and using artificial intelligence.

Joe Biden is 'healthy, wise' despite wandering off at G7 summit, Jill insists

Joe Biden is ready, willing and able to handle a second term as president, his wife insisted Friday.

Democrats' denialism of Biden's cognitive decline isn't just unconvincing, it's cruel

After The Post reported Biden wandering away from a group of world leaders at the G7 summit who were watching a parachuting demonstration, the White House jumped into defense mode.

It's utterly cruel to America — and to Joe Biden — to let him run in this state

Every day, it seems, President Biden wanders off during a photo shoot or tries to shake hands with an imaginary person or garbles his way through another speech.

Biden's condition shocks allies at G7 summit, with one saying it's 'worst he has ever been': report

81-year-old President Biden has been "losing focus" during discussions at this week's G7 summit in Italy, according to a report.

Voters expect Joe Biden to forget where he is on TV debates — and even wander off stage

Half of American voters expect President Biden to once again forget where he is during his crucial upcoming presidential debates -- with more than a third expecting top him to...

Biden's Ukraine security deal is fine but won't change the war much any time soon

President Biden’s security deal with President Volodymyr Zelensky, which the two men signed Thursday, shows him once again doing the right thing for Ukraine.

Joe Biden calls Hunter 'one of the brightest, most decent men' — repeats he won't pardon him in first remarks since conviction

President Biden said again Thursday that he will not grant a pardon to his son Hunter in his first comment on the matter since the first son was convicted of...

Biden wanders away at G7 summit before being pulled back by Italian PM

President Biden appeared to wander off at the G7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus.

Biden still thinks it's D-Day as he awkwardly salutes Italian prime minister at G7 summit arrival

As he began his walk off the platform, Biden raised his right arm over his eye and saluted his Italian counterpart.

Bavaria's Schloss Elmau resort is fit for a king — or a president

The luxurious hotel and spa at Schloss Elmau in Germany recently hosted world leaders for G7 summits in 2015 and 2022.

Biden, House Speaker McCarthy to speak on debt limit after talks stalled

“We’re going to get a chance to talk later today," Biden said of McCarthy, R-Calif., while the president met with the leaders of Japan and South Korea at the G7...

Zelensky says 'Bakhmut is only in our hearts' after Ukraine loses control of destroyed city to Russia, Wagner army

President Zelensky said the city of Bakhmut was “only in our hearts," hours after Russia’s defense ministry reported that forces of the Wagner private army had seized the city in...

Ukraine's Zelensky arrives in Hiroshima for G7 summit as world leaders sanction Russia

An EU official, speaking on condition of anonymity to brief reporters on the deliberations, said Zelensky will take part in two separate sessions Sunday.

Zelensky to join G7 at Hiroshima summit as leaders prepare to unveil new Russia sanctions

Zelensky will be making his furthest trip from of his war-torn country as leaders are set to unveil new sanctions on Russia for its invasion.