George Orwell

Orwell's '1984' shows us how to fight today's totalitarians

Americans still read George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” 75 years after it was first published on June 8, 1949.

Iran is preparing to murder a hip-hop artist for committing . . . music

In 2022, Iran had a 22-year-old woman murdered for improperly wearing a hijab and now, it’s preparing to have a 33-year-old killed just for rapping about it.

Chilling revelations on the rise of feds' Orwellian speech police

CISA Director Jen Easterly has said "cognitive infrastructure" — that is, what people think — is “most critical."

Why Gen Z is learning to love Big Brother

Have schools stopped teaching “Nineteen Eighty-Four” — or are they now teaching it as a playbook for America to follow?

Woke rewrites of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' Bond, other classics: foolish AND sinister

Anyone who thought the politically correct rewriting would stop at the irreverent author of such children’s classics as “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Fantastic Mr. Fox” was, of course,...

Biden plays Orwell, tries to redefine what 'recession' means

President Joe Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors launched a preemptive strike against bad news with a blog post on the theme: “What is a recession?”

Woke claim that 'rational thinking' is a white male thing is both insulting and absurd

The latest attack on intellectualism and science comes from the Left’s belief that “rational thinking” only belongs to white males -- a cuckoo thought that neglects human history, Rich Lowry...

From A to Woke: The 'dictionary' of our brave, new progressive world

In his woke instruction manual "1984," author George Orwell wrote about how important it is to control the dictionary. The one who controls the language controls the past, present and...

Sorry, Pelosi: Eliminating official use of 'mother' isn't inclusive — it's waging war on women

One of the first acts of our new House of Representatives might be to cancel Mom. On Sunday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic majority proposed to eliminate “father, mother, son, daughter,...

Russia rolls out new 'Orwell' facial recognition tracker for school kids

Just in case the technology wasn't Orwellian enough already.

The fight for gay rights is won and other commentary

From the left: The Fight for Gay Rights Is Over “Every day seems to bring welcome examples of how Americans are ­becoming more relaxed about sexual orientation,” James Kirchick observes...

How disease, war and a remote Scottish island inspired Orwell's '1984'

Jura is a small island off the coast of Scotland, famous for two things: It’s home to a renowned distillery, and it’s where George Orwell wrote “1984.” Orwell arrived at...

China's new 'social credit system' is a dystopian nightmare

Imagine calling a friend. Only instead of hearing a ring tone you hear a police siren, and then a voice intoning, “Be careful in your dealings with this person.” Would...

Joseph Rago’s column on the wacky comparisons between Trump and ‘1984’

Joseph Rago, an editorial board member of the Wall Street Journal, died this week at age 34. He was a master of the opinion-writing arts and won a Pulitzer Prize...