
Bogus 'bee-mageddon' is another fake environmental catastrophe scam creating buzz

A YouTube video with 15 million views says bee-mageddon "could lead to millions of people starving."

US companies announce plans for gene-edited strawberries

Simplot and Plant Sciences officials said genetically modified strawberries will help reduce waste, and make them available to consumers much of the year.

French fries could soon be a 'health food' thanks to this breakthrough

Have hope, fry aficionados.

Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to know what 'profit' is, other commentary

Libertarian: Bernie Doesn’t Seem To Know What ‘Profit’ Is Sen. Bernie Sanders embarrassed himself Wednesday, Reason’s Scott Shackford points out, with a tweet that “made it clear he doesn’t always...

Gene-edited pig organs being tested on monkeys in hopes of human use

For George Church, the future is finally now. Back in 2017, the Harvard University geneticist predicted that a startup company he co-founded, eGenesis, would be using animal organs for human...

Big Food's hottest trend? Crusading against Big Food

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Gathered for a free music festival, a crowd waits to see one of the headline attractions — an exhibit about fast-food ingredients. On display: Beakers of...

Greenpeace's deadly war on science

Is Greenpeace committing a crime against humanity? A letter from 110 Nobel laureates suggests as much. It urges the environmental group to drop its campaign against genetically modified foods, particularly...

GMOs are not the enemy

With healthy-eating activists questioning the safety of GMOs — genetically modified organisms — as food, the results of a recent report indicate they shouldn’t worry about it. The report, released...

'Frankenfish' salmon won't be labeled: FDA

What's for dinner? Before long, it may well be genetically modified salmon, the first such altered animal cleared for human consumption in the United States. Critics call it "Frankenfish," but...

Anti-Chipotle ad campaign fires second round of attacks

The anti-Chipotle campaign is going for round two. After igniting a firestorm last week with an ad in The Post depicting an obese man, the same group — the Center...

Who's behind ad campaign against Chipotle?

You’ll really pay extra when you eat at Chipotle, according to its critics. An aggressive ad campaign against the fast-casual giant says you should cut the fat — warning diners...

Gyneth Paltrow's 'let them eat kale' take on GMOs

Marie Antoinette . . . er, sorry, Gwyneth Paltrow hit Capitol Hill on Wednesday to share her pampered-star’s-eye views on food. To be more specific, her pseudo-scientific approach to food...

House bill would prevent mandatory GMO labeling

WASHINGTON — States could no longer require labels on genetically modified foods under legislation the House is considering. The legislation scheduled for a vote Thursday in the House is backed...

How Neil Young, Greenpeace work to starve the world’s poor

This month, rock legend Neil Young will release his 36th studio album. It’s a bit different from his usual fare. Called “The Monsanto Years,” the album features the collaboration of...

Uncle Sam's new junk food science

Fear-mongering and pseudo-science can be a toxic combination — all the more so when the government engages in it. And that’s exactly what’s happening to food across the country. Last...