Green New Deal

Thank green fanatics for New York's looming summer blackouts

Remember who to thank when you're plunged into darkness in this summer’s dog days. 

Team Biden's sleazy plan to get the unpopular prez reelected — by any means necessary

Bidenites believe they can reelect an unhealthy, unpopular and unsuccessful president by any means necessary. And they may be right.

Biden's tariffs will make us pay more for cars we don't want — but are forced to buy

Not long ago, President Biden promised to transform the American auto industry -- “first with carrots, now with sticks” is the analogy The Washington Post used.

Biden is making it harder to buy homes — just to please green radicals and Wall Street

The Department of Housing and Urban Development exists to boost affordable housing for Americans, yet under President Biden, HUD is issuing a new rule that'll instead rise the cost of...

Memo to the right: RFK Jr. would do even more green damage than Joe Biden

But make no mistake: On energy — one of the core issues that has defined the Biden presidency from its outset — Kennedy is an extremist. His policies would go...

AOC, progressives revive $234B 'Green New Deal' for housing, targeting gas stoves and CO2

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a group of progressive lawmakers on Thursday revived the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act to shore up affordable housing and dramatically slash carbon emissions.

NYC credit card surcharge law — and other looney policies — only latest in lawmakers focusing on fake issues

An NYC credit card surcharge law, plus Tide pod ban and an NYC property tax proposal in response to insane green mandates mandates show how progressive ignore real concerns.

I'm suing John Kerry to make his shadowy climate office accountable

Since President Biden appointed him to the previously unknown White House position of “international climate envoy,” Kerry has traveled the world on the American taxpayers’ dime.

Windbag John Kerry's flatulence was the perfect 'keynote' for UN climate confab

While John Kerry was speaking at the United Nations' latest climate conference, he let out a gas eruption as a fellow panelist politely shielded her nose.

'Electric heat' mandates are just another green road to New York's ruin

It's only one part of New York state's deluded drive to be "carbon neutral" by 2050, but the mandate for everyone to rely on electric heat is sure-fire to send...

NYers face skyrocketing costs to switch to electric heat under new 'green' policies: study

"New York’s plan to steer homeowners and landlords toward electric heat could backfire due to high costs and practical concerns," says the Empire Center for Public Policy.

Joe Biden's war on oil and reckless economic policies have imperiled national security

President Joe Biden’s reckless energy policies, including a relentless war on US oil, have now seriously undercut national security.

The green-energy bubble is about to burst — and thanks to Biden, taxpayers will suffer

President Joe Biden has a dream — and it’s about to turn into a nightmare for American taxpayers.

SEC abets latest climate cheat by Dems: The Green New Deal is a shuck!

The latest scandal centers on Persefoni, an emissions-tracking company that counts at least three high-ranking former Securities and Exchange Commission officials as members.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's 'economic development' lesson for New York pols

New York has seen big corporations leave — and it’s facing monster budget gaps for the coming years. It’s not hard to explain the difference.

When Dianne Feinstein scolded kiddie climate activists: 'You didn't vote for me'

In a viral video, the Democrat could be seen meeting with more than a dozen teenagers and pre-teens from the Sunrise Movement — a group that organizes young people to...

US scientists need a samizdat, Dems’ ‘green dream’ dilemma and other commentary

In 2019, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “introduced a congressional resolution advocating a Green New Deal.”

Biden pledges huge US spending on green goals at G20 summit

President Biden pledged a massive investment of US taxpayer dollars in foreign railroads and green infrastructure to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Democrats whine about Con Ed hikes caused by their own dumb policies

Why are Con Ed rates going up? Because of insane green policies from Dems around the country.

Our totally fake 'green energy transition'

The Biden administration promised an energy transition, but the use of fossil fuels has only increased.