healthy food

Anti-aging guru claims his birthday comes every 19 months as he reveals bizarre $16 per day diet

“When you build software, you build version one, and it moves to version two and version three -- every version gets a little better because you remove the bad stuff and...

Want to eat your way to eternal youth? This doctor's 'Young Forever Cookbook' has the answers

Hyman’s recipe for anti-aging is about choosing the correct ingredients to keep the body — and soul — youthful into middle and old age. 

Greenpeace’s war on kids, terrorism for tots and other commentary

“A Philippines court made the decision to block the growing of Golden Rice,” grumbles Zion Lights at Spiked, “following campaigns led by Greenpeace” to discredit the genetically modified grain.

Alzheimer’s patients could help alleviate symptoms by eating this food: study

The link between diet and dementia has been well-documented, and now researchers at the University of Copenhagen and the U.S. National Institute on Aging have found that eating more pomegranates,...

Soda company recalls multiple drinks sold in restaurants across US that contain dye linked to cancer: FDA

Charles Boggini Company has voluntarily recalled its "Pink Lemonade," "Cola Flavoring Base," "Yellow Lemonade" and "Yellow Lemonade X."

The healthiest smoothies have these 7 superfoods

A delicious and nutritious drink in the morning can help your day go more smoothie-ly.

I'm a weight loss coach — these 5 fitness habits do more harm than good

"When I first started, I literally knew nothing about fitness. I did what everybody else did and I turned to social media for guidance," Jenna Rizzo revealed.

I'm a dietitian — this is what to eat and what to avoid while on Ozempic

If you’re on weight loss drugs, you may want to eat up these dietary recommendations. 

This fast-food staple won't be served to athletes at the Paris Olympics — here's why

A meal of champions apparently doesn't feature french fries.

Shopper's grocery store cost-saving hack slammed as 'wasteful'

"Who's going to buy that now?" people asked after I boasted that I hacked the system... like a criminal!

I’m a dietitian — here are the foods to boost your immunity naturally

There's one unexpected food that comes out above the rest.

I'm a dietitian — here's how to eat out without wrecking your diet

Nothing derails a diet like a night on the town. Glasses clink, appetizers are ordered and before you know it you've imbibed and eaten like a 17th-century noble with gout...

Greek yogurt vs. regular yogurt: Which is better for you?

Team Greek yogurt or regular yogurt? What team are you on?

Here's what will taste best — and worst — on a flight

Tasteless food while you're up in the air? Here's what to order instead.

Butter vs. margarine: Which one is 'better' for your health?

"I think most people assume that margarine or butter replacements are a better choice for health because they're lower in saturated fat, which isn't necessarily true," Jillian Kubala, a New York-based registered dietitian,...

Mediterranean diet essential could help stave off dementia

Go ahead and add this condiment to your diet daily.

Eating yogurt could help prevent this serious disease: FDA

Nutritionist shares how eating yogurt regularly helps promote a ‘healthy gut.'

Do Americans know how to eat healthy?

Thirty percent of Americans admit to buying healthy foods just because they’re trendy, according to new research.

I'm a dietitian — beware these 4 sneaky 'health halo' foods

Are you being hoodwinked by your health food?

Doc reveals 2-ingredient snack to boost your workouts

TikTok is abuzz with the sound of the ultimate pre-workout supplement, a spoonful of honey, and a sprinkle of salt, said to boost energy and get you through your sweat...