holland tunnel

Gun-toting trio claim discrimination over Holland Tunnel stop

The gun-toting vigilantes from Pennsylvania who tried to take an arsenal into the Big Apple on Tuesday are being discriminated against because of their love for the Second Amendment --...

Holland Tunnel gun nuts claim they were on rescue mission

Three backwoods gun nuts were busted on their way to play vigilante in New York City — while riding in a pickup truck loaded with weapons and plastered with their...

3 arrested with loaded guns, body armor at Holland Tunnel

Three backwoods gun nuts were busted on their way to play vigilante in New York City — while riding in a pickup truck loaded with weapons and plastered with their...

Man busted for second DWI in two weeks by same cop

A Newark motorist displayed bad judgment -- and worse timing -- when he was arrested near the Holland Tunnel for DWI early Friday by a Port Authority cop who busted...

Trucker with $20K in unpaid tolls busted at Holland Tunnel

A 49-year-old trucker who tried to make it through the Holland Tunnel Friday morning without a valid EZ Pass was busted by Port Authority cops for driving with a suspended...

Driver gets pulled over, cop realizes he has $12K in violations

An eagle-eyed cop hit the scofflaw jackpot after pulling over a motorist for a routine infraction -- and discovering the driver had more than $12,000 in unpaid tolls and penalties,...

Gun-toting dope busted at Holland Tunnel toll plaza: police

A Pennsylvania driver was busted with a gun, ammo, and pot paraphernalia outside the Holland Tunnel on the New Jersey side this morning, authorities said. Corey Schrier, 24, was heading...

Three injured in triple cab crash near Holland Tunnel

Three yellow taxis collided near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel Saturday night, causing three injuries, according to officials and one of the cab drivers. The accident happened at about...

Woman busted with DWI after Billy Joel concert

A boozed-up interior designer was busted after crashing her brand-new Mercedes into another luxury car following a Billy Joel concert at Madison Square Garden early Sunday, Port Authority Police Department...

Fashionista busted for cocaine screams, 'I don't want to go to New Jersey'

A combative and drunken fashionista who once worked for Victoria's Secret was busted for coke possession while driving the wrong way near the Holland Tunnel and screaming, "I don't want...

Boxer caught driving drunk in Holland Tunnel: cops

An amateur boxer pummeled the side of the Holland Tunnel with her car Saturday morning before she was busted on drunken-and-reckless-driving charges, police said. Susan Jugo, a New Jersey Diamond...

Deliveryman on motorized bike drives wrong way in tunnel

A Chinese food deliveryman making a drop off of food to a Tribeca address was arrested Thursday night when he mistakenly took a wrong turn on his motorized bicycle --...

Cop busts duo carrying $40,000 after smelling marijuana in car

A particularly pungent 2008 Honda caught the nose of a Port Authority cop Thursday night as it exited the Jersey end of the Holland Tunnel, leading to the arrest of...

Road-raging, sword-wielding man busted outside Holland Tunnel

A Central Jersey motorist took road rage to extremes Saturday, brandishing a samurai sword at another driver on the Manhattan approach to the Holland Tunnel, police said. Richard Rosius, of...

Man busted for ducking toll, loses motorcycle — all on his birthday

A Manhattan man had a very unhappy 35th birthday on Friday - first he was busted for trying to duck the toll on the Holland Tunnel, and then cops confiscated...

Road raging man with machete attacks fellow motorist

Some people honk horns, others whip out machetes. A Brooklyn man with road rage slashed the side of another man’s car inside the Holland Tunnel last Wednesday night, the Port...

Driver caught with 17 pounds of pot pressed his luck with cops

A Port Authority cop got the last laugh on a scofflaw driver who fled into the Holland Tunnel during a traffic stop — by nabbing the rogue motorist in nearly...

Cops seize 'Breaking Bad' blue meth worth $1.6M

Who does he think he is, Walter White? Cops found a massive stash of "blue" meth hidden in an Illinois man's trunk when they pulled him over for a traffic...

Port Authority cops save choking dog's life

A choking dog was brought back from the brink of death in an Easter miracle. Adorable Julius, a white 10-year-old Maltese, began choking suddenly at about 4 p.m. Sunday inside...

Holland Tunnel toll-taker celebrates golden anniversary

If you’ve driven through the Holland Tunnel in the last half-century, chances are you’ve met Liz Branch — or at least handed her your money. The hardworking Bergen, NJ, resident...