illegal immigrants

Illegal migrant accused of murdering Jocelyn Nungaray held on $10 million bail | Reporter Replay

The illegal Venezuelan migrants accused of murdering Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston lured the 12-year-old girl under a bridge, where they stripped her naked to the waist and assaulted her for...

Why the Biden administration is closing the largest ICE detention center in the US

Some 7.4 million migrants remain free in the US while awaiting court hearings or deportation.

Election officials in all 50 states urged to halt non-citizen voter registration: 'Time to act is now'

A conservative legal group fired off letters to officials in every state in the country Monday urging them to enforce existing laws that prevent non-US citizens from registering to vote or...

Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her: prosecutors

Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, allegedly bound Jocelyn Nungaray’s hands behind her back during the brutal assault, then strangled her and dumped her body...

Trump's more trusted than Biden on immigration among Latino battleground voters thanks to Joe's open-borders disaster

Turns out Latino voters don’t behave like the caricatures that far-left Democrats created to justify their monstrous open-borders policies.

MSNBC panel erupts after Heritage prez blasts crime committed by illegal migrants: 'We don't use the term'

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said that his first objective is to "close the border," followed by "the biggest mass deportation system ever in the history of America."

Fired-up New Yorkers push feds to close troublesome migrant tent city: 'No more'

A caravan of 90 vehicles converged on Floyd Bennett Field on Sunday as a mob of protesters rallied outside the former federal airfield to protest a massive migrant tent city...

Medicaid spending on migrants in Florida plummets after DeSantis crackdown on illegals: report

Florida’s Medicaid spending on migrants has nosedived by 54% so far this year after Gov. Ron DeSantis' bid to push back against illegal immigration.

Biden's careless border policies: Letters to the Editor — June 24, 2024

The Issue: Miranda Devine’s columns criticizing President Biden’s lackluster border policy. I’d like to offer a quick note on the spot-on column about President Biden’s border policies (”Joe’s cynical border...

Trump jokes that UFC should start a migrant fight club: 'These people are tough'

He said the winner of a migrant league should face the UFC champion, adding "I think the migrant guy might win."

GoFundMe for family of 12-year-old Houston girl allegedly killed by migrants surpasses goal in a matter of hours

Jocelyn's murder has sparked a national outcry after she was strangled to death and dumped in a bayou after sneaking out of her house on June 16.

GOP rips White House for 'pathetic' statements on Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray killings: 'Weak leadership'

Republicans slammed the White House for its “pathetic” and “shameful” statements on the killings of Rachel Morin and Jocelyn Nungaray -- which never mentioned they were murdered by illegal immigrants.

Latest fallout from Biden's border madness: 'VIP' smuggling tunnel terror

Sneaking migrants into the US via dank drainage tunnels has become so lucrative that Mexican cartels have actually shifted their main business from drug-trafficking to human-smuggling.

Dad of 13-year-old girl allegedly raped by migrant in NYC park blasts Biden's open border for monstrous attack: 'This is what happens'

“The open border policy, I have never agreed with, because that just invites a lot of things that we don’t need," said the dad. "And look what came in. Look...

Illegal Venezuelan migrant cut his ankle monitor after allegedly killing 12-year-old

Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were both released into the US with GPS monitoring after illegally crossing the southern border into El Paso, Texas...

Family of Rachel Morin's suspected killer turned over crucial evidence to police: cops

Shoes and clothing belonging to Rachel Morin's alleged killer turned out to be crucial evidence that identified the murder suspect, according to charging documents.

Donald Trump calls mom of Rachel Morin, jogger murdered by migrant, to share condolences

Former President Donald Trump called the mother of slain jogger Rachel Morin on Thursday to offer his condolences.

Most NY voters say crippling migrant influx a 'serious' problem as city is overwhelmed: poll

The overwhelming majority of New Yorkers believe the crippling migrant crisis is a serious concern — as more than half admit they fear the Empire State is heading in the...

Migrant gangbanger extradited to Maryland to face murder charges in Rachel Morin's slaying

Victor Martinez Hernandez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, is being extradited to Maryland to face murder charges in the brutal 2023 rape and killing of mom Rachel Morin, officials...

Mexican cartels offering $15K VIP 'travel agency' packages to help illegal immigrants sneak into US

The so-called VIP smuggling has become so lucrative that the cartels are now focusing roughly 70% of their criminal activity on getting migrants across the US-Mexico border.