
Immigration takes center stage in contested Montana US Senate race

Montana has one of the longest shares of the U.S. border with Canada of any state. However, it’s the other border – nearly 1,000 miles away – that is becoming...

Election officials in all 50 states urged to halt non-citizen voter registration: 'Time to act is now'

A conservative legal group fired off letters to officials in every state in the country Monday urging them to enforce existing laws that prevent non-US citizens from registering to vote or...

Medicaid spending on migrants in Florida plummets after DeSantis crackdown on illegals: report

Florida’s Medicaid spending on migrants has nosedived by 54% so far this year after Gov. Ron DeSantis' bid to push back against illegal immigration.

Biden admin’s amended rules for asylum seekers challenged by lawyers for migrant children

There has been a surge in unaccompanied minors arriving at the border since 2014. Last year, border officials arrested 130,000 migrant children.

Trump 10 points up on Biden, new national poll shows 

The Rasmussen Reports survey, released Friday, found 46% of likely voters backing the  78-year-old presumptive Republican nominee for president and 36% supporting the 81-year-old incumbent in a five-way race. 

79,000 DACA recipients admitted to US had arrest records in first five years

President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced he was expanding deportation protections and job opportunities for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by executive order by former president...

Conservative border hawks slam Trump’s college green card vow for foreign students: 'Cockamamie'

"You graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country" Trump said on...

Left-wing media try to cover up Joe’s obvious mental decline, DHS boss Alejandro Mayorkas pretends Biden’s shown ‘leadership’ and more

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace claimed that videos showing President Biden's mental decline are "highly misleading and selectively edited."

Biden holds razor-thin lead over Trump in both head-to-head and five-way race: poll 

President Biden is leading former President Donald Trump by a razor-thin margin in the 2024 White House race, according to a new poll.

The GOP should glimpse its future in the UK's populist tilt

Nigel Farage aims to replace the UK's Conservative party with a new populist force of his own creation — just as Donald Trump is remaking the GOP.

Biden's new amnesties show his 'border crackdown' was smoke and mirrors

President Biden announced two "reforms" that would streamline legalization for some DACA recipients and half a million illegal immigrants who are married to US citizens.

Retired border chief says immigration crisis even threatens this far-from-the-border state

The immigration wave at the southern border is a crisis of national security, and Michigan is not exempt from its effects, a recently retired Border Patrol chief says.

Trump rips Biden ‘amnesty’ plan for rewarding ‘sham marriages’ as ‘veterans are dying on the street’ 

“All an illegal alien has to do is sign up for his new program – it's a sham marriage or college degree – and they can expect amnesty and taxpayer...

42,000 migrants have crossed the border since Biden's executive order — and thousands are still being released into the US

Some 42,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border from Mexico in the days since President Biden’s “crackdown” took effect, The Post can reveal.

Biden says 'every country must secure its borders', blames Trump as Republicans decry new 'amnesty' for 550K 

The new initiatives come as polls consistently show that immigration policy is one of Biden's biggest liabilities after he presided over a record-breaking surge of illegal immigrants.

Judge blocks Iowa law allowing state authorities to arrest and deport migrants 

The Biden administration sued Iowa over the new law last month, arguing that the federal government has “exclusive authority under federal law to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens.”

Rachel Morin's family 'convinced her killer has more victims' in the US because of 'gaps in time' between crimes

"Something we've been concerned about is that there are other victims out there … whether they were attacked and it ended the same way as my sister, or maybe there...

Planned, new NYC migrant shelter at Staten Island church sparks outrage

The proposal will place 15 cots inside the Faith United Methodist Church on Heberton Ave, which would then be an overnight haven for single adult men seeking asylum in the...

Sheriff blasts scourge of migrant crime after alleged serial predator charged with rape, murder of mom of 5: 'Should not be happening'

Suspect Victor Martinez Hernandez, who entered the country illegally from El Salvador, is wanted for a murder in his own country and for an assault on a mother and young...

Bill Maher says Democrats will be 'f--ked on Election Day' for this reason

"Real Time" host Bill Maher continued offering his dire warning to Democrats on the issue of immigration, insisting they'll be "f---ed" in November following this week's European election results.