information technology

Microsoft AI screenshots everything you do on your computer — and privacy experts are concerned

"This could be a privacy nightmare," declared one naysayer.

Kathy Hochul reveals her racial bias, Rep. Jamaal Bowman gaslights on Jewish history and more

Gov. Kathy Hochul claimed that black children from the Bronx don't know what the word "computer" means.

As IQ scores decline in the US, experts blame the rise of tech— how stupid is your state?

Do all Americans go through a process of dumbening?

Tech journalist Kara Swisher tells all about the rise of digital culture in Silicon Valley

Tech journalist Kara Swisher takes reader behind the scenes of the rise of digital culture.

Odysseus gets America back on the Moon and shows us working together better than ever

We’re back! For the first time in five decades an American lander has set down on the moon.

New tech chief takes helm at DOE after remote learning meltdown during NYC snowstorm

Intekhab Shakil, most recently the chief information officer at the city Law Department, will be tasked with supervising technology used by schools, students and families.

APA’s social-justice malpractice, we need to stand for something and other commentary

The American Psychiatric Association treats the “still-evolving topic” of gender-dysphoric youth, as “a settled matter,” fumes Sally Satel at Washington Monthly.

Top US venture capitalists invest billions in Chinese tech — at the expense of American national security

Nearly half of the most powerful American players in venture capitalism are quietly investing billions in Chinese tech startups over US competitors for massive returns.

Smart phones mean dumb kids, worse than ignorance and other commentary

“Students who spend more time staring at their phone do worse in school, distract other students around them and feel worse about their life,” reports The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson.

Here's what to fear in the new year — according to Nostradamus and Baba Vanga

As we deck the halls, overindulge and welcome the new year, the time is nigh for predictive calamity courtesy of two dead prophets of doom; Nostradamus and Baba Vanga. For...

AI company to lay off more than 500 employees -- after boasting about 'strong' third quarter

A tech company based in the San Francisco Bay Area bragged about its strong third-quarter results -- only to announce that it was laying off hundreds of employees. Informatica, a...

IT workers report frequently feeling more like therapists in the workplace

IT help or therapist? A new survey has found three in five IT workers have to ‘frequently provide emotional support’ to users when they encounter a cybersecurity issue.

Spies in our cars, YouTube’s dangerous precedent and other commentary

YouTube has suspended actor-comedian Russell Brand from making money off the streaming platform after sex assault claims.

A mindless Airbnb nix, Pelosi’s gift to the GOP and other commentary

Eye on NYC: A Mindless Airbnb Nix “Local Law 18 came into effect” last Tuesday, effectively making “the city’s roughly 38,500 Airbnb listings illegal” in the name of increasing housing...

Biden’s internet boondoggle, who are the real fascists and other commentary

MSNBC's Joy Reid recently accused presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of running an openly fascist campaign.

AI gives Google power to 'dictate' people's lives and 'how they vote,' attorney claims

Lawyer behind class-action complaint against Google paints picture of tech titan's power.

How to erase your embarrassing search history across the internet

If you feel comfortable with someone else looking through your search history, raise your hand. Yeah, I didn't think so.

Texas dad says glitch in 'Find My iPhone' app sends angry strangers to his home at all hours demanding their devices

Scott Schuster says a possible glitch within Apple's "Find My iPhone" app is putting his family at risk.

MSG, Dolan sued for 'profit-motivated' use of facial-recognition to ban enemies

Madison Square Garden illegally uses facial recognition technology to scare off potential litigants and keep their profit margin up, a new lawsuit claims.

'Implanting computers into humans is dangerous': Dr. Phil guests spar over humans being microchipped

Dr. Phil featured two guests debating whether humans should be implanting microchips in their bodies in his latest episode.