ivy league

As Ivy League prioritizes 'activism at expense of academics,' other schools rise to top for employers

Post-October 7th, employers are scrambling to find new hires from schools that didn’t devolve into protest chaos.

Harvard University will no longer weigh in on outside public matters: 'Runs the risk of alienating some'

The prestigious school said that it "runs the risk of appearing to care more about some places and events than others" by issuing statements.

Ideological growth of a poison Ivy: Columbia's journey from scholarship to activism

The images of the recent protests at Columbia University have grabbed the attention of the American public: students chanting for a Palestinian state.

Harvard student goes off script in commencement speech to rip school as more than 1,000 walk out

A Harvard University commencement speaker went dramatically off script to blast the Ivy League school for barring a handful of those involved in a disruptive anti-Israeli encampment -- before more than 1,000...

Columbia prez showed her true colors when she voted on campus free speech

Shafik had a chance to strike a blow for free speech at English universities in the country's House of Lords — and failed.

Columbia's president preached the elite's pieties about protest 'reordering society.' Look what she got

Minouche Shafik thought protests would achieve a "new paradigm" and "reorder our societies." Looks like she got more than she bargained for.

NYPD officer 'accidentally' fired gun during raid on Columbia anti-Israel protesters inside Hamilton Hall 

The cop did not appear to aim the weapon at anyone, and no one was injured, said Douglas Cohen, a spokesperson for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office.

Oct. 7 victims sue group behind anti-Israel protests: Students for Justice in Palestine accused of being Hamas 'recruiter'

The Hamas terror survivors say they are being re-traumatized by campus antisemitism. They claim SJP and American Muslims for Palestine are fanning flames of hate.

Inside Columbia's 'vandalized' Hamilton Hall, where pro-terror protesters came face to face with riot police

Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall was left looking like a war zone after protestors smashed windows, set up barricades and destroyed furniture during their occupation of the building.

NYPD's bust up at Columbia doesn't mean this disgraceful antisemitic episode is over

The fact that Columbia’s leaders have dithered and allowed themselves to become entangled in endless negotiations with the rabble shows how weak the central administration is.

Columbia alumni tell president to order in cops and suspend faculty who support pro-terror mob

Graduates are demanding the NYPD end the antisemitic disorder, including Trump's ambassador to Israel, David Friedman. Billionare Leon Cooperman wants leftist academics fired.

What really went down on Columbia campus as anti-Israel protest deadlines loomed — and passed — is shameful

By letting yet another deadline for student protester evictions to pass, Columbia University showed once again that its authority is meaningless.

My generation doesn't know why the heck they're protesting for Palestine

Forget the three r’s, these Ivy League elitists are schooled in the three i’s: ignorance, indoctrination and Instagram.

Soros and other elites are funding the campus agitators stoking anti-Israel, antisemitic protests

The Post has learned that left-leaning philanthropist George Soros and other left elites are funding the student radicals who are fueling the nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests.

George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

A network of "fellows" for a Soros-funded group are at the heart of protests on college campuses nationwide.

UPenn swarmed by anti-Israel protesters who set up encampments on campus: 'Source of fear'

Jewish UPenn students told The Post that while the protests were largely peaceful, they’re worried that the situation could spiral out of control.

Anti-Israel students munch on Pret sandwiches, pricey nuts and sip Dunkin' coffee

Bellies are full, but the tantrum continues.

Jewish students, come here to the South — where you'll be safe

My advice to Jewish students at these institutions: Come on down. At schools like mine, the University of Tennessee, in red states, such intimidation, harassment and lawlessness aren’t tolerated.

Skip the Ivies for a state school, elite schools past redemption and other commentary

“If I were advising a friend’s son or daughter facing Decision Day, I’d tell them to pass on the Ivy League and go to a high-quality state school instead,” explains...

Ivy League grads face risk of losing prized jobs after schools allow antisemitic protests to fester: Wall Street titan

“We’ve always looked beyond the target schools but we’re doing it even more so now given recent events,” activist investor Dan Loeb told the Post.