
Captive teen brides trapped between ISIS and its victors

Many Islamic State teen brides were married off by conservative Muslim families in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon -- and had no choice. Now, they are detained alongside its die-hard adherents...

US-backed troops close in on final stronghold of ISIS in Syria

US-backed fighters are clearing the final, tiny stronghold of the ISIS “caliphate” in Syria, transporting thousands of war-weary evacuees from the area for care and questioning over the weekend. Fighting...

Never-before-seen jihadist home videos are 'a study in evil'

A young man is speaking into the camera, clowning around as he struggles to focus on the questions from his interviewer, his face a jumble of nerves and excitement. “Do...

Bin Laden's mom says he was a good boy who fell prey to 'a cult'

A mother’s love really is unconditional. Osama Bin Laden’s mom says her ruthless terrorist son was a good boy who fell prey to “a cult” — and shouldn't be blamed...

Japanese journalist who was taken hostage in Syria surfaces in video

A Japanese freelance journalist being held by jihadists in Syria has surfaced, with a video apparently showing the man pleading for help after three years in captivity, according to reports....

American jihadist to be released 14 years into 65-year sentence

An American jihadist who used a paintball park to train for combat will be freed after serving 14 years of his 65-year sentence, a Virginia judge ruled Friday. Seifullah Chapman,...

This family posed as jihadists to save their son from ISIS

In September 2014, a 22-year-old man named Yassin left his home in France to join ISIS. Three weeks later, he was in a makeshift hospital in Syria, having taken a...

How this Drake-loving teen became a jihadi bride

With her gushing Facebook posts about Drake and the "Twilight" movies, Rizlaine Boular appeared to be like any other UK schoolgirl. She bragged about vacations abroad, uploaded photos of herself...

How to defeat ISIS's next play

The military campaign against the Islamic State has all but ended its control of territory in Syria and Iraq. Yet rather than disintegrate, ISIS will likely retreat into the dark...

ISIS wannabe who stabbed FBI agent gets 17 years

An ISIS wannabe was sentenced Thursday to 17 years in prison for attempting to aid ISIS and trying to kill an FBI agent. Fareed Mumuni, 23, repeatedly stabbed special agent...

Gunmen attack French embassy and army headquarters in Burkina Faso

OUAGADOUGOU — Gunmen attacked the army’s headquarters in the capital of Burkina Faso on Friday as well as the downtown area and France’s embassy, and the French ambassador said an...

Russian pilot blows himself up to avoid capture by jihadists

A Russian pilot who was forced to eject from his stricken jet over Syria killed himself with a grenade to avoid being captured by jihadists — as he shouted, “This...

Training Afghan soldiers exposes the US to a huge risk

Washington is a factory for dumb ideas, but taking the cake may be a US-based military training program for Afghan soldiers that not only can’t keep track of enrollees —...

The newest gift to jihadi recruiting: Burma

A friend says that while on business in Indonesia recently, he noticed thousands of angry demonstrators occupying a major Jakarta roadway. They were there, he was told, to protest the...

Girl who escaped ISIS says she was raped every day, tried to kill herself

A Yazidi girl who escaped after she was captured by ISIS jihadists said she was raped every day and attempted to kill herself. The woman, who only identified herself as...

Punk rock ISIS widow 'crying' and wants to go home

ISIS widow Sally Jones desperately wants to return home to the UK — but can’t because leaders of the terror group won’t let her go, according to a new report....

2 dead in suspected jihadist attack on Mali luxury resort

A luxury resort popular with Western tourists in Mali is under attack and two people have been killed, according to reports. "There is an attack by presumed jihadists on the...

Alleged 'sleeper' agent busted spying for jihad organization

A Bronx MBA grad has been secretly gathering intelligence on New York City military and law-enforcement facilities in support of a potential terrorist attack, Manhattan federal prosecutors said Thursday. Ali...

More 'known wolves' mean tough questions for British security

Britain’s security services face new questions over news that perpetrators in the Manchester and London Bridge attacks were “known wolves” — extremists who’d attracted public attention, even proclaiming themselves would-be...

Pilot refuses to fly because of 'Jihadist' WiFi built by passenger

A pilot refused to fly a packed plane after a passenger labeled his personal WiFi Jihadist Cell London 1. A tourist spotted the disturbing WiFi hotspot title as he boarded...