jumaane williams

NY pols' 'cooling center' cold shoulder is shameful

Mayor Adams' office sent out an appeal to 225 local elected officials and staffers to offer their offices as "cooling centers" to the public, and only six responded.

There's no homeless 'right' to sleep rough — and the Supreme Court seems to agree

In a Supreme Court showdown over whether the homeless have a “right” to camp in public, almost no one mentioned the actual victims of that crazy idea -- everyone who’s not...

New bill would block NYC from buying single-use water bottles for staff

“Do you know that New York City tap water has been bottled and sold in stores?” said Erik Bottcher.

Ex-NYPD commish says Adams' foes on 'foolish' cop-stops bill just want to 'weaken mayor' for next election

"Possibly the [speaker] of the City Council, Miss Adams, has the idea that if they can kneecap the mayor, well — who knows? — maybe they can be considered for...

New York's 'stop cops' bill is a law built on a lie

Co-sponsored by Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, the How Many Stops Act is rooted in the intellectually lazy, time-tested trope that the NYPD is a racist department.

'How Many Stops' act stops cops: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 23, 2024

The Issue: Mayor Adams’ veto of the How Many Stops act requiring a record of every police encounter. I completely agree with Mayor Adams on this issue — making cops...

Will Harlem Councilman Yusef Salaam stand up against the NYPD-paperwork bill that harms public safety?

As Mayor Adams tees up to veto the lunatic NYPD-paperwork bill passed by the City Council late last year, will the new chair of the Public Safety Committee stand up...

The Supreme Court could put an end to urban squalor

 Most decent, hardworking people want clean sidewalks for getting to work and walking their kids to school.

New York City is still the best — except when it isn't

Guns we got. Marijuana we got. Recidivism we got. Visible boobs and behinds we got. Gambling we almost got. Are we not great — or what?!

Banning solitary confinement will make NYC jails less safe, union says

The union representing New York City jail officers went on 11th hour offensive Monday urging Council members not to pass legislation to ban solitary confinement.

Adams vows to veto bill forcing NYPD to file reports on all encounters with public: 'It will endanger public safety'

Mayor Eric Adams vowed he would veto legislation that would force police to file millions of reports on even the most ordinary encounters with New Yorkers.

Tell the City Council to drop its plan to bury NYPD cops in useless paperwork

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, City Council Speaker Adrienne Williams and other progressives seem to have a veto-proof majority for their bill to force NYPD officers to fill out forms.

Inside 'squalor' apartments owned by NYC's 'worst landlord -- who totaled over 3K violations: Squatters, drugs and defecation

Johnathan Santana topped the 2023 "Worst Landlord Watchlist" after racking up a record 3,293 open violations across 15 buildings in Manhattan and Queens, according to a new report released Wednesday...

NYPD, pols trash City Council push for cops to record ALL encounters with public — even if they just ask for directions

The City Council is preparing to pass a measure that would force the NYPD to file millions of reports on even the most minor or low-level encounters with New Yorkers,...

New poll shows Cuomo would lead field of possible successors if Adams resigned as mayor

Most Big Apple voters want Mayor Adams to resign if he’s indicted in an ongoing federal investigation targeting his 2021 campaign, a new poll shows.

DSA pols like AOC aren't sorry about pushing antisemitism — they just did it again

The NYC chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America's slur of the March for Israel rally as a "Pro-Genocide March" shows just how disgusting they really are.

Morally bereft Dem Socialists like AOC won't even condemn Hamas unequivocally

New York’s socialist politicians are showing their true colors — and they're not pretty.

Brooklyn Dem leader claims white neighbors not helping to confront migrant crisis

Brooklyn’s Democratic Party leader is dragging race and class into the city's migrant crisis, claiming the wealthier whiter neighborhoods in her borough are not shouldering their fair share of shelters.

Scrapping the public-advocate post would be one of the few things the City Council did right

Some City Council members are pushing to do something positive for New York: get rid of the public advocate’s office.

Pols push to abolish NYC public advocate office: It 'does nothing'

The City Council could soon be re-examining whether the Big Apple really needs a public advocate office.