
Former NATO commander warned White House Afghanistan pullout ‘would go very bad very fast’ before botched operation that left 13 US forces dead

A former NATO commander of US forces in Afghanistan testified to Congress last month that he advised the Biden administration that a full withdrawal of troops from the war-torn nation...

Pinocchio Psaki's published lies: Letters to the Editor — May 16, 2024

NY Post readers discuss former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki publishing false claims in a new book.

Top US diplomat who ran botched Afghanistan evacuation was picked after Kabul fell, given no plan: testimony

The testimony of John Bass reveals how a lack of State Department planning led to major -- and preventable -- challenges.

State Department 'did not send their best' to Afghanistan for botched evacuation, ex-official says in scathing testimony

Two ex-State Department officials who assisted with the US' deadly and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan more than 2.5 years ago revealed glaring problems behind-the-scenes of the rushed August 2021 evacuation...

AOC spars with Tony Bobulinski during impeachment probe: Letters to the Editor — March 22, 2024

NY Post readers discuss former Biden family associate Tony Bobulinski’s testimony in House impeachment probe.

Ex-general recounts opposition to disastrous Afghanistan pullout, laments Biden 'strategic failure' in Hill testimony

Milley added that the US-led war against the Taliban, launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, was a "strategic failure."

How the US pull-out from Kabul hurt women most

Two years after US forces left Afghanistan, the nation's women and girls have seen their rights stripped away beyond recognition.

Taliban seen patrolling streets of Kabul on rollerblades with AK-47s

Video uploaded to YouTube and circulating on social media appears to show members of the terrorist group armed with AR-47s, patrolling the streets on rollerblades.

Marines were ordered to pick up human feces before they were allowed to leave Kabul: 'Degrading and ridiculous'

This humiliation is recounted for the first time in a new book, “Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End.”

Biden comes off as irritable, 'babied' elderly man who regularly flip-flops when not bashing Obama, new book reveals

An explosive new biography on President Biden is laying bare an administration led by an irritable elderly man who flip-flops on issues when he isn’t making crass comments about former...

Gold Star families rip Biden for ignoring warnings ahead of Kabul airport blast: 'This was all avoidable'

"I want to know why this current administration is unable to take responsibility for their actions in the days, the weeks and the months leading up to this fatal fateful...

House GOP shames Biden into honoring troops killed in Kabul

President Biden marked the anniversary of the horrific Kabul airport attack that killed 13 American service members in 2021 -- with a statement issued six hours after Speaker Kevin McCarthy...

State Department sends Congress 300 more Afghanistan withdrawal docs

The House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday said they received 300 additional documents related to the chaotic – and deadly – 2021 US withdrawal from Afghanistan from the State Department.

Gold Star mom claims Biden callously likened her son's death during disastrous Afghan withdrawal to Beau's

As families of the 13 troops killed in an ISIS-K blast during the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan waited for their bodies to be returned two years ago, one...

Rep. McCaul threatens Blinken with contempt over Afghanistan dissent cables

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul has threatened to hold Secretary of State Antony Blinken in contempt after failing to disclose an unredacted copy of a July 13,...

State Department was 'not prepared' for Afghan collapse, Taliban rule: watchdog

American diplomats' failure to anticipate the Taliban's eventual takeover of Afghanistan played a key role in causing the deadly chaos of the August 2021 US withdrawal from Kabul.

Blinken subpoenaed for cables warning of Afghanistan catastrophe

The head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said late Monday he would subpoena Secretary of State Antony Blinken for documents on the botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

'Surreal' horror: Afghans chose razor wire suicide over Taliban when Kabul fell, US Marine tells lawmakers

Some of the thousands of Afghans denied help during the August 2021 evacuation of US forces from Kabul chose horrific deaths rather than risk capture by the Taliban.

Tearful Marine in Kabul airport blast says he was told not to shoot ISIS bomber

A Marine who survived the fatal bombing at a Kabul airport during the 2021 US withdrawal from Afghanistan said he was told not to kill a suspected ISIS terrorist.

'Several' dead, wounded after bomb blast near checkpoint at Kabul military airport

A bomb exploded near a checkpoint at Kabul’s military airport Sunday morning killing and wounding “several” people, a Taliban official said.