martin dempsey

McCain grills military brass on 'losing' ISIS strategy

WASHINGTON — America's top two military leaders on Tuesday defended President Barack Obama's strategy to defeat Islamic State militants amid blistering criticism from Republican senators who argued that the administration's...

3 top ISIS leaders killed in airstrikes: US

WASHINGTON — US-led airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq have killed three of the militant group's top leaders, the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff told the...

Warplanes drop fewer bombs as ISIS gets better at hiding: official

WASHINGTON -- The US's top military official acknowledged Sunday as few as 10 percent of the war planes targeting ISIS may actually drop bombs because the terrorist group has gotten...

Dempsey: 15,000 ground troops needed to destroy ISIS

WASHINGTON — As the massive US-led air campaign plows ahead, the nation’s top military chief says it will take 15,000 ground troops to wipe out ISIS in Syria. Gen. Martin...

Dempsey hints at ground troops if US attacks on ISIS fail

WASHINGTON — Just a week ­after President Obama pledged not to send combat troops to Iraq, his top military adviser left the door open to using American forces to “accompany...

America's best chance to defeat ISIS

If ISIS remains viable, it will eventually strike on US soil. America’s best bet, perhaps its only bet, for preventing that is to go after the terror group in Syria...

US General: We will act if Islamists threaten us

ABOARD A US MILITARY AIRCRAFT -- Gen. Martin Dempsey says that once he determines the Islamic State militants in Iraq have become a direct threat to the U.S. homeland, he...

Congress must lead to show resolve vs. ISIS

The House and Senate shouldn’t wait for President Obama to ask for formal authority for a military campaign against ISIS. Congress should reconvene immediately and get the ball rolling now....

Hagel: Islamic State 'beyond anything we've seen'

The sophistication, wealth and military might of Islamic State militants represent a major threat to the United States that may surpass that once posed by al Qaeda, U.S. military leaders...