middle class

Nearly two-thirds of middle-class Americans say they are struggling financially: 'Gasping for air'

A majority of middle-class Americans are experiencing financial hardship that they expect will continue for the rest of their lives, according to a new poll. 

Cate Blanchett, worth $95 million, slammed for saying she's 'middle class': 'Compared to who? Jeff Bezos?'

Cate Blanchett took heat on social media for comments she made at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.

Real estate mogul concerned with how Americans will deal with squatters: ‘Something really bad is going to happen’

Real estate mogul Shawn Meaike is concerned how hard-working, well-intentioned Americans will handle squatting issues as they grow more and more desperate.

Joe Biden's ex-chief of staff finally admits it: Inflation is clobbering us

Joe Biden's ex-chief of staff Ron Klain admitted that inflation has been killing them on MSNBC.

This is how much a family of four in New York needs to earn to be considered middle class

New York, which tied for second with the District of Columbia behind Hawaii, is only slightly more expensive than its neighbors New Jersey and Connecticut.

Making $150K considered 'lower middle class' in these US cities

An annual six-figure salary stretches financially thin in CA, VA, WA, AZ, GOBankingRates reports.

Affordable 2-bedroom apartments for middle-class families in NYC no longer exist

A look at city data by Gothamist reveals that there's a discrepancy between housing being built in New York and the needs of families.

It's not just Joe Biden: Voters are rejecting Democratic policies that hurt them

Voters back Donald Trump over Joe Biden, per a new poll, in key states — but it's not just the president they're rejecting but Democratic policies by and for the...

Why Americans are ‘unhappy,’ how Biden drags US down and other commentary

President Biden claims he’s building the economy from the middle up, here are the different perspectives on his administration.

Biden’s long road to 2024, get real on the budget and other commentary

President Biden’s “standing in the polls is nothing to write home to Scranton about,” worries Brad Bannon at The Hill.

Elites’ divide & conquer failure: How middle class now view their rulers with rightly earned disdain

Does anyone think a Jim Acosta is on par with a John Chancellor? That Mark Milley is equal to a Matthew Ridgway? Is Anthony Fauci like a Jonas Salk or...

Why Team Biden might be purposefully grinding down the middle class

Vladimir Lenin supposedly once said, “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”

Hidden costs of Build Back Better: Tax hikes, IRS on Americans' backs, critics say

The hidden costs of President Biden's nearly $2 trillion "Build Back Better" plan could raise taxes on Americans -- who could be investigated by the IRS, critics said Friday.

Affluent South Americans flying to Mexico to enter US illegally: report

​Affluent residents of South American countries suffering economic woes are jetting to Mexico and mixing in with the crowds of poor migrants crossing into the US illegally, according to a...

Move over, millionaires, the Maldives are now open to the middle class

The Maldives are 99% water and, until now, only the 1% enjoyed this exotic archipelago seemingly riddled with more five-star resorts than residents.

'Leveling playing field': Biden to deliver higher earners tax plan

In delivering his tax-the-rich outline Thursday afternoon, President Biden is expected to talk about “leveling the playing field in our economy to bring down costs."

All signs point to a lab leak and other commentary 

Scientists: All Signs Point to Lab Leak “The most compelling reason to favor the lab-leak hypothesis is firmly based in science,” physician Steven Quay and physicist Richard Muller declare in The...

Beware the Biden-Sanders radical lefty manifesto: Devine

Joe Biden signed the death warrant for his campaign last week, even if he doesn’t know it. The joint manifesto he released with Bernie Sanders is 110 pages of radical...

Why flight from the cities is bad for the suburbs, too

The mass exodus of wealthier people from dense cities such as New York and San Francisco will be a catastrophe for the cities if it keeps up. It will also...

Property tax 'loansharking' will cause middle class to flee NYC, lawmakers say

Several city lawmakers revolted during a routine meeting Thursday -- refusing to support bills that would hit property owners with interest rates on late tax payments of up to 18...