
NYPD clears out dozens of 'unlawful' delivery bikes from front of Roosevelt Hotel shelter

Dozens of delivery bikes parked outside The Roosevelt Hotel have been cleared away by NYPD as part a stepped-up crackdown on unregistered and illegal mopeds and e-bikes.

Biden ignores SIX official requests about thwarted migrant terror attack

Republican lawmakers have lodged at least six information requests to President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security for information about an attempted attack on a Quantico Marine Corps Base on May...

12-year-old murder victim fought for her life -- leaving bite and scratch marks on illegal migrant: prosecutors

Johan Jose Rangel Martinez allegedly said that he had to "finish what he started" as he covered her mouth, prosecutors said.

Election officials in all 50 states urged to halt non-citizen voter registration: 'Time to act is now'

A conservative legal group fired off letters to officials in every state in the country Monday urging them to enforce existing laws that prevent non-US citizens from registering to vote or...

New Yorkers' extreme discontent with Democrats' 'politics as usual'

New York's dominant Democratic-progressive establishment basically ignored the voter anger exposed in the 2022 elections — and the voters have noticed.

MSNBC panel erupts after Heritage prez blasts crime committed by illegal migrants: 'We don't use the term'

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said that his first objective is to "close the border," followed by "the biggest mass deportation system ever in the history of America."

Fired-up New Yorkers push feds to close troublesome migrant tent city: 'No more'

A caravan of 90 vehicles converged on Floyd Bennett Field on Sunday as a mob of protesters rallied outside the former federal airfield to protest a massive migrant tent city...

Biden's careless border policies: Letters to the Editor — June 24, 2024

The Issue: Miranda Devine’s columns criticizing President Biden’s lackluster border policy. I’d like to offer a quick note on the spot-on column about President Biden’s border policies (”Joe’s cynical border...

Mayor Adams quietly makes city's 'migrant crisis' permanent with budget spending

In his budget proposal, the mayor has finally admitted to reality — the migrant “crisis” is here to stay, to the tune of $4.7 billion next year.

GoFundMe for family of 12-year-old Houston girl allegedly killed by migrants surpasses goal in a matter of hours

Jocelyn's murder has sparked a national outcry after she was strangled to death and dumped in a bayou after sneaking out of her house on June 16.

Joe Biden is a one-trick-pony with a single act: Blame Donald Trump

Signs indicate the president is giving up on selling his White House term as a success and betting his re-election campaign on a single message: Donald Trump is bad for...

GOP rips White House for 'pathetic' statements on Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray killings: 'Weak leadership'

Republicans slammed the White House for its “pathetic” and “shameful” statements on the killings of Rachel Morin and Jocelyn Nungaray -- which never mentioned they were murdered by illegal immigrants.

Biden admin’s amended rules for asylum seekers challenged by lawyers for migrant children

There has been a surge in unaccompanied minors arriving at the border since 2014. Last year, border officials arrested 130,000 migrant children.

Latest fallout from Biden's border madness: 'VIP' smuggling tunnel terror

Sneaking migrants into the US via dank drainage tunnels has become so lucrative that Mexican cartels have actually shifted their main business from drug-trafficking to human-smuggling.

Feuding NYC migrant groups brawl at Randall's Island shelter after stabbing

African and South American migrants duked it out at the massive Manhattan tent city -- the site of numerous vicious brawls in the last few months.

MS-13's sick lawsuit scam is enabled by a perfect storm of bad NY laws

The scam goes like this: MS-13 members recruit "victims," then coach them on how to fake an accident on a street or worksite.

Conservative border hawks slam Trump’s college green card vow for foreign students: 'Cockamamie'

"You graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country" Trump said on...

Migrants crossing US border from ISIS hotbed country has exploded under Biden | Reporter Replay

NY Post reporter Jennie Taer discusses migrants flocking to the US-Mexico border from Tajikistan, a country known as a hotbed of ISIS recruitment, during President Biden's administration. More than 1,500...

Migrant charged with murder of 12-year-old girl was released into US just weeks ago

Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were charged Thursday with capital murder for the death of Jocelyn Nungaray.