national intelligence service

US facing 'Cuban Missile Crisis in space' as Russia plots anti-satellite nukes: US intelligence chair

America is on the brink of a new Cuban Missile Crisis -- this time in space -- as Russia develops nuclear anti-satellite armaments, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner said.

Late homework: Once again, Biden's team fails to deliver on COVID-19 origins

Congress tasked Biden's Director of National Intelligence to release all files on Covid's origins — and they've failed to adequately deliver.

Chinese spy balloon used US technology to surveil Americans

China used American technology in its spy balloon that snooped on US military bases early this year.

Spies, foreign governments amassing data on every American at alarming rate, privacy experts warn

Specialists are calling on the governmnent to stop buddying up with big tech companies like Google, Facebook and Apple and instead work on a privacy law to keep its citizens...

Government misinfo has sparked a steep decline in the public's trust

Public trust reached a three-decade high shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but declined quickly thereafter. Since 2007, those saying they can trust the government always or most of the...

UAE recruited US officials to manipulate government: report

The UAE has been trying to meddle in American politics for decades — even going so far as to employ ex-US intelligence officials to surveil leaders, a new report claims.

Putin might use Ukraine war as reason to meddle in US politics, officials say

Russian President Vladimir Putin might use President Biden’s support for Ukraine as a reason to interfere in upcoming US elections, US intelligence officials believe.

US accuses financial website of spreading Russian propaganda

US intelligence officials accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian...

Ex-DNI says Obama, Biden were briefed on Hillary's attempts to dig dirt on Trump

John Ratcliffe said Monday that he expects to see “quite a few more indictments” come out of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation.

Classified 'brief': Secret UFO report only 17 pages long

The nine-page preliminary US government report released last June is only supplemented by an additional eight classified pages according to a report by The Black Vault, a website operated by...

Ex-CIA director believes UFOs could exist after pal’s weird encounter

Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey said he believes UFOs could exist after his friend’s plane was “paused at 40,000” feet – and hopes humans would be friendly to extraterrestrials...

US intel details UFO that can break sound barrier without sonic boom, other 'difficult to explain' sightings

A forthcoming government report will reveal evidence of UFOs breaking the sound barrier without a sonic boom and other "difficult to explain” phenomena, the former Director of National Intelligence said. John Ratcliffe,...

US intel report blames Saudi crown prince for murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved the murder of Virginia-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a newly-released U.S. intelligence report states. The Biden administration's release of the Feb. 11 report, prepared...

Biden nominee Avril Haines confirmed as intelligence director

WASHINGTON -- Former White House lawyer Avril Haines has been confirmed as the new Director of National Intelligence, becoming the first woman to lead the agency and the first nominee...

John Ratcliffe says he's working on Russia 'collusion' probe

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe revealed he has been coordinating with US Attorney John Durham in his probe into the origins of the "Russian collusion" investigation and plans to...

Sex toys, guns and suicide: Wife of top CIA official who killed himself reveals sordid story

A top CIA spy killed himself in front of his wife, whom he wanted to take to the “afterlife” -- and she later discovered a massive stash of bondage and...

Acting DNI Richard Grenell stepping down as ambassador to Germany

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell will step down as US ambassador to Germany, he confirmed. Grenell, who took over as acting DNI in February, addressed the news in...

White House wants to know if China, WHO hid coronavirus intel

The White House has ordered US spy agencies to investigate whether China and the World Health Organization covered up what they knew about the coronavirus pandemic.

Doug Collins denies interest in national intelligence post after Trump names him as option

A day after tapping Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence, President Trump said he was considering naming Rep. Doug Collins as the nominee.

Trump names first gay cabinet member as head national intelligence

The first openly gay member of Trump's cabinet, Grenell will oversee the country’s 17 spy agencies.