ny assembly

After congestion toll win, Gov. Hochul must say 'No' to casino-crutch revenue plan

The state Assembly wants casinos to make up for the revenue lost from the congestion pricing kibosh. That's a hard HELL no.

Assemblyman Jeffrion Aubry retiring, opening door for ex-con state pol to return

Monserrate, who served on New York City Council before being elected to the state senate tells the Post "we will be announcing shortly."

Wasn't me! Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie's car triggers speed camera 12 times – blames staffers

Heastie has not called a floor vote on "Sammy's Law," which would allow New York City to set a 20-mile-per-hour speed limit on some streets.

Albany joins the farcical 'reparations' rush to poisonous posturing

If the Legislature really wanted to improve the lives of black New Yorkers, it'd be looking at commissions on the failure of public education and the crisis in public safety....

Progressive NYC pol Latrice Walker fined $3,300 for campaign violations

The city's Campaign Finance Board has hit Assemblywoman Latrice Walker with $3,300 in fines for violating political spending regulations during her ill-fated 2019 run for Public Advocate.

Wow! Albany may finally be exercising some common sense on bail reform

A day after a New York Post poll found that voters in Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s district favor tweaks to the bail law, word comes that a compromise may be...

Gov. Hochul signs bill dropping 'mentally retarded' from state use

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law Tuesday legislation removing "mentally retarded" as an official term from state laws overseeing everything from alleged crimes to the arts. "Numerous sections...

Cuomo-aligned PR firm must face audit over 'ludicrous' state contracts, lawmaker says

As Gov. Andrew Cuomo packs up and moves out of the Executive Mansion, a New York lawmaker is calling for an investigation into "ludicrous" state contracts given to a public...

Letters to the Editor — Aug. 11, 2021

The Issue: Gov. Cuomo’s decision to resign, admitting he could no longer govern effectively. There is only one reason Gov. Cuomo resigned (“Andrew Cuomo resigns as governor of New York,”...

Queens Assemblyman reprimanded for violating anti-harassment policy

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) on Thursday reprimanded Queens Assemblyman Michael Miller, who lost his Democratic primary for re-election, for violating the state's anti-harassment policy. Heastie's action came after the...

Brooklyn pol pushes 'pre-term labor' bill in honor of her late baby boy

A state legislator from Brooklyn has drawn from her heart-wrenching experience as the mother of a premature boy who died shortly after birth to push for a law that could...

Filing error may cost Democrats a state Assembly seat

The state Board of Elections Tuesday knocked three-term incumbent Rebecca Seawright off the Democratic and Working Families Party lines.

Disgraced pol Hiram Monserrate plots latest comeback with Assembly bid

The felon, who was elected a Democratic district leader in Queens last year, has filed paperwork to run for Assembly in a primary challenge against incumbent Jeffry Aubry, one of...

New York lawmakers should learn from the Capital Gazette shooting

Are New York lawmakers reading all the details of the shooting attack on the Capital Gazette, which left five people dead? Because if ever a case argued for the passage...

State lawmakers vote to finally spell 'Verrazzano' correctly

ALBANY — The bridge connecting Staten Island and Brooklyn will now be spelled Z right way. The Assembly passed a bill Tuesday to correct the spelling of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge,...

Playing out the clock to protect child sex trafficker

It looks like Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Codes Committee chief Joseph Lentol are playing for time to protect monsters who coerce teens into prostitution. New York is one of...

Assemblyman Dov Hikind won't seek re-election

Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a fixture in the Assembly for 36 years, announced Wednesday he won't seek re-election. The only explanation he gave in a video posted on the Web...

Why are state lawmakers protecting 'rape for profit'?

It’s hard to think of an uglier racket than coercing underage girls into a life of prostitution, but that crime is obscenely hard to prosecute under New York law. And...

Making excuses for unlicensed drivers who kill

It seems the chairman of the Assembly Codes Committee, Joe Lentol, has more sympathy for unlicensed drivers than for Kevin Flores, the 13-year-old cyclist allegedly killed by one. The Brooklyn...

Why New York is so easy on those who kill while driving with a suspended license

It’s a no-brainer: Killing or seriously harming someone while driving with a suspended license should be a felony. But not in New York — thanks to the state Assembly, which...