nyc mayoral election

Junior's Restaurant owner eyes run for mayor

Rosen recently met with campaign strategist Hank Sheinkopf, Bill Cunningham and Mitchell Moss, who served as political advisors to former three-term mayor, Mike Bloomberg.

NYC Comptroller Lander set to challenge Adams for mayor, tells key donors he's running: sources

With Adams' lagging poll numbers, Brad Lander has been recently lining up support for his bid, sources said.

Who is Zellnor Myrie, the Democratic state senator who wants to run the Big Apple?

New York State Sen. Zellnor Myrie wants to run the city. But defeating an incumbent — even one as politically vulnerable as Mayor Eric Adams — is a big lift.

Lefty NY state Sen. Zellnor Myrie eyeing Democratic primary challenge bid against Mayor Adams

Progressive State Sen. Zellnor Myrie on Wednesday said he was eyeing a run against Mayor Eric Adams in 2025.

NYC managers score 16% salary hike as Mayor Adams pushes program cuts over migrant crisis

Mayor Eric Adams is crying poverty over the Big Apple's migrant crisis, but still pushed through a $2.1 billion retroactive-raise package for more than 10,000 non-union employees.

Adams' high-profile new lawyer goes on offensive to quash sex assault suit before mayoral race

While the mayor has vigorously denied any wrongdoing — sharply saying again Tuesday: "Never happened, it's not who I am" — just the lingering accusations could weigh down his reelect campaign,...

Trump promotes abortion compromise as Democrats push issue in 2024 race

Reports claim Trump has discussed having a ban on abortions after 16 weeks of pregnancy with three exceptions: rape, incest and the life of the mother. 

Why Eric Adams is still the best choice for NYC Mayor compared to the alternatives

The sharks are out for Mayor Adams’ job. They smell blood in the water over his low approval rating and mishandling of the migrant crisis. They think he’ll be easy...

Ex-NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer eyes 2025 comeback bid challenging Eric Adams for mayor

Former city Comptroller Scott Stringer is eyeing a second run for mayor in a comeback bid.

Eric Adams is following in the footsteps of past one-term NYC mayors

Midway through his term, Gotham’s 110th mayor has hit the wall. He is swamped with problems and seems to have few allies and fewer ideas about how to get a...

New poll shows Cuomo would lead field of possible successors if Adams resigned as mayor

Most Big Apple voters want Mayor Adams to resign if he’s indicted in an ongoing federal investigation targeting his 2021 campaign, a new poll shows.

Suspended Adams aide urged staffers to delete texts after FBI raided her home: source

City Hall staffer Rana Abbasova, who works in Mayor Eric Adams' Office for International Affairs, urged city employees to delete text conversations in the midst of a federal probe of...

Adams can’t declare migrant victory until he closes the Roosevelt Hotel shelter

Mayor Eric Adams tried to show progress on the migrant crisis last week, with a deputy saying just one-fifth of adults reapply for shelter once a new time limit on...

Democrats are pushing work authorization for migrants — so they can vote

A new regulation limiting shelter stays for single men to 30 days has created confusion and anxiety amongst migrants who are trying to apply for work authorization, which can take...

Mayor Adams' 2025 campaign hauls in $1.3M over past 6 months

Many real estate and business honchos - including a former aide who is repping a casino group looking to set up shop in Times Square -- gave Hizzoner the maximum...

Brad Lander's tax-the-rich plan to kill the golden goose

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander wants to raise $1 billion in new revenue by hiking taxes on wealthy New Yorkers.

Mayor Adams raises $1.3M in first year, fueling speculation of presidential run

Mayor Adams has raised more than $1.27 million for his 2025 re-election campaign a mere year into office – with $632,636 – or about half -- the cash coming from...

Eric Adams rightly asks NYC blacks to help save their own streets

Amid the surge in gun violence and murder, Mayor Eric Adams is speaking to African-Americans as one of their own.

Long Island Rep. Tom Suozzi declines deputy mayor offer from Eric Adams

Tom Suozzi has said he plans to announce whether he’ll run in the 2022 Democratic gubernatorial primary by the end of the month.

Letters to the Editor — Nov. 6, 2021

The Issue: Kyle Smith’s column detailing Bill de Blasio’s time as mayor as he exits office. ​I would strongly recommend that when the history of Mayor de Blasio’s rule —...