
US Supreme Court rejects Republican challenge to ObamaCare law

The US Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Republican bid that had been backed by former President Donald Trump’s administration to invalidate the ObamaCare health care law, ruling that Texas...

Biden reminisces Obamacare as a 'big f---ing deal'

President Biden on Tuesday joked about accidentally uttering into a hot mic that ObamaCare was a "big f---ing deal," as he extended a special insurance policy enrollment window on the...

Biden Justice Department will not challenge Obamacare

The Department of Justice informed the Supreme Court that it would no longer back challenges to Obamacare, reversing the Trump administration's stand that it was unconstitutional and should be struck...

Biden to issue executive actions expanding ObamaCare, Medicaid access

The revolving door of executive orders continues to spin. President Biden will sign a pair of executive actions Thursday focused on heath care, the White House confirmed. The actions, one...

Medicaid is hemorrhaging $100B on Americans ineligible for the program

Medicaid is meant to cover health care and long-term care for lower-income Americans. But a new report reveals the government — both in Washington and in state capitols across the...

ObamaCare's last stand: High court opens arguments on ACA

Oral arguments got underway Tuesday morning in the case dubbed California v. Texas, with the health care of millions of Americans potentially hanging in the balance.

Latest Supreme Court case on fate of ObamaCare kicks off on Tuesday

The fate of Obamacare will again go before the Supreme Court on Tuesday, with the health care of millions of Americans potentially hanging in the balance. For the third time...

We need to burn the Affordable Care Act and rebuild it piece by piece

The Supreme Court probably is not going to nullify ObamaCare. Congress should — one piece at a time. Democrats opposed to the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme...

Kamala Harris warns about end of Roe v. Wade, Obamacare at Amy Coney Barrett hearing

Sen. Kamala Harris used her questioning of Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Tuesday to warn the nation about the possible threat to abortion rights and the Affordable Care Act. Harris,...

Amy Coney Barrett says she's made no promises to Trump

Sen. Chuck Grassley asked Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett whether she made any promises to anyone on how she would rule on cases and whether her agenda is to...

Dems' damning confusion over Amy Coney Barrett and ObamaCare

Amy Coney Barrett has ­accomplished many things in her career. Becoming an authority or a policy maker on health care isn’t one of them. At the University of Notre Dame,...

Trump rips Dems during ACB hearings over ObamaCare focus

President Trump hit back at Senate Democrats after watching them spend much of Monday morning's confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court focused on ObamaCare....

Dems turn Barrett hearing into appeal to protect Obamacare

Senate Democrats placed ObamaCare front and center during the first day of confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court on Monday, with many bringing examples...

Supreme Court goes remote for oral arguments for rest of the year

The US Supreme Court will hear cases via telephone for the rest of the year, it announced Friday, setting up a remote showdown over ObamaCare during the coronavirus pandemic. The...

Trump's failure to offer a new health care plan could be why he loses

"If you want to make God laugh," Woody Allen once ­famously said, paraphrasing a Yiddish proverb, “tell him about your plans.” That isn’t an issue for President Trump, at least...

Dems' big lies about Amy Coney Barrett, SCOTUS and ObamaCare

Democrats and their media allies are warning that putting Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court would doom the Affordable Care Act. They predict that tens of millions would be...

Biden accuses Trump of using SCOTUS nominee to get rid of Obamacare

Joe Biden on Sunday accused President Trump of nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to "steal away" health care from millions of Americans by getting rid of...

Trump says elimination of Obamacare would be a 'win for the USA'

President Trump said it would be a "win for the USA" if the Supreme Court eliminates the Affordable Care Act. "Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR...

11 things Trump has done to fix Obamacare

President Trump will face off with former Vice President Joe Biden in the first presidential debate this week, where health care is bound to come up. While Democrats often attack...

Trump unveils health care plan, signs order protecting pre-existing conditions

President Trump outlined his long-awaited health care plan on Thursday, signing a series of executive orders he said are aimed at protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions, ending surprise billing and...